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Old 09-25-2010, 11:40 PM   #126
I am the cutest butterfly ever
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“What am I going to be wearing today” asked Adam, Sarah. “Anything you like, except you may not wear underwear at all, and I may do random checks, so be warned” Adam got dressed in his tracksuit thinking it should be comfier on his family jewels than in a pair of jeans.

The group soon amalgamated in Adams bedroom. Everyone was fully clothed at present (- Adams underwear). “What will we be doing today John” asked Laura.

“Call me MASTER... ” Snapped John biting Laura’s head off. “If it happens again you will get punished, let this be a lesson to you too Sarah” he bellowed. “Us 3 are going down town later”, continued John. What was he planning wondered Sarah and Laura.

“You must call me mistress” barked Dani to David, now give me your mobile phone, you won’t be needing that any day this week, remarked Dani. David reluctantly handed Dani his mobile phone. You will be by my side all today, and may not do anything unless I tell you, is that understood, “Yes” answered David. “Yes...What” screamed Dani. “Yes Mistress. Sorry Mistress!!” “Let that be your final warning” barked Dani. “Were off back to my house!” said Dani, whiling ordering David to get ready.

“Seeing as I won’t be with you today” said Sarah “I want you to take a picture of yourself every hour with your trousers pulled partly down proving you are not wearing any underwear” Save these to the computer for me to check later, providing this is o.k. with my master”. “Yes, said Adam, not really wanting his sister to have pictures of him with no underwear on”

Adam went to get his camera ready to take his first picture. Soon the 5 teenagers were ready to leave the house; walking down the path together they parted company at the road end. Dani and John went to Dani’s house while, John, Sarah and Laura went to catch the bus into town. At the bus stop John said teasingly “This week’s going to be fun!”

The three teenagers got on the bus, “where do we ask to get off, “leave that to me”, said John taking the money off the two girls and ordering them to sit on the back seat. John then told the bus driver the details paid for their 3 tickets and rejoined the twins.

Now then – I have a few questions for you two “Have you ever kissed each other” asked John. “Yes several times” Sarah replied. “What else have you done together” John continued. “Nothing much, other than kissing” was their reply “Do you want to / would you try anything with each other” asked John curious. The two twins looked at each other before saying ....................

TO BE CONTINUED.................

Ps: - the following chapters will be all about John – Laura and Sarah. The story will later revert back to what happened between Dani and David, also about Adam. Hope everyone feels this will be o.k. as will possibly be the easiest way to write chapters.

Thanks for understanding.


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