Thread: getDare habits
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Old 06-25-2018, 02:26 PM   #8
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This is a good idea. I approve of this thread. Because you so need my approval for a thread...
  1. Do you actually log off and log in each time, or did you check the box to always remain logged in?

    I do. I use a shared laptop and so I leave no trace (where possible) of where I go. One day I hope to own my own laptop but that is a long way down the road (longer now various things have happened today).
  2. Do you show your online status? Why?

    I have no idea. If it is the default setting then yes because I am lazy and still haven't been in to sort out such things.
  3. Do you have a standard getDare routine, with regards to what times you get on here and what things you do in what order? If so, what is your getDare routine?

    When I come on I tend to click on two things in different tabs - new posts since last visit and my own stats to look at any replies. Mind you, lately, I have not been doing the latter so much as I haven't been posting enough to warrant that.

    That said, I don't come on so much as have bursts. Situations meant that this last week I was pretty much on here whenever the opportunity presented itself. That is not always true.

  4. Do you have any specific getDare rules, like you must be naked or plugged when on getDare or you have to talk in 3rd person in your posts? If yes, who gave you that rule?

    I once did. I got a PM offering some behavioural rules to go with a PM dare and I thought it was clever. The initial dare was for a day, I can't recall who suggested it, but I liked it and kept it. For two years. I grew bored of it when speaking to Matt and wanting to know actual answers last year. Since then it has been changed to a PM dare.
  5. Do you look at peoples signatures? Do you click links in there?

    Yes. Sometimes I even act upon them if I find them interesting enough.
  6. Do you have a friend/contact adding/accepting strategy? If so, what is it?

    If people ask I tend to accept. Mainly because I don't believe anyone would bother asking if they didn't want to be in touch. That and I'm not nearly active enough to be terribly well-known so requests tend to be genuine. I have checked my privilege and it is doing very well, thank you.
  7. Did you pay for a subscription? If so, which of the benefits that come with this do you like/use?

    I am a miser. I do not pay.
  8. How many and what kind of pm messages do you usually get? What are your thoughts on them?

    I get very few. The ones I do get tend to be very welcome. I have had maybe two or three PMs the entire time I've been on here that were unsatisfactory. I do find the occasional person trying to top from the bottom and that can be slightly annoying if I cannot provide their very specific requests.

    That is, they want something very specific but ask very general things. And slowly ask for more and more with the same maddening lack of detail.

  9. How far back do you generally go when you browse the forums? Do you only look at the first page or new posts? Do you use the search feature?

    I rarely use the search nowadays. I have lost some good threads mind, which is a shame and I can't seem to find them on search. Mainly I look at new posts. I can go back many pages. I also regularly comb the dice dares threads because I do love dice dares. Even if I don't carry them out I love the creativity and the options.
  10. Do you ever look at the ban list? What do you think of that?

    I do. It's helpful.
  11. Do you ever look at the 'who's online' list? Do you find this useful?

    I don't really know that many people here. That may be changing. As yet I know few enough that knowing who is online is not that helpful to me.
  12. Do you ever use the getDare notepad? Why?

    I played with it when I first joined, for novelty, but not since.
  13. Do you set that you get an email when you get a pm, people post/comment a blog, comment in a thread? If so, for which do you set to receive emails?

    I do for PMs. Must be a default feature.
  14. Is getDare your favorite place on the internet? If not, why the hell not!?

Maybe not my absolute favourite, but I've been here since 2012 and signed up since 2014, which says something.

I feel like I'm contributing. Look at me, Ma, I'm helping!
Clothing / Preferences // PM Dares // Team-Up Calendar (please add) // Chastity // Femdom IRL

old/transwoman/attracted to Females & Femininity/shaved pubes, legs and armpits

And that's all she has to say about that.
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