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Old 06-21-2018, 01:57 PM   #1
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Default One for the Pee Fans - Centurion Drinking Game

The dare...

The dare is to play the centurion drinking game. For those who don't know, this involves drinking 1 shot or beer or cider, every minute for 100 minutes. Roughly 2.5 litres.

Sounds easy right... well heres the catch. You have to play it in bed!

The rules are simple, if you complete the century without peeing, well done! Go pee in the toilet and have yourself a well earned rest.

If however you pee during the 100 minutes, bad luck, you must stay in your soaked bed until morning!

Still to easy?

Alright, so some of you strong bladdered or just plain foolish folks are still thinking this is easy. Well then, play in hard mode.

It's simple enough, drink double shots. Yes that's right... about 5 litres or beer or cider to hold. You really don't want to pee now because you'll be spending all night in bed with possibly a whole 5 litres to leak. And defo don't puke!

Ok, so this is still to easy for me

Well then you are clearly insane, or just like things very messy.

As I hate to disappoint, heres insane mode! This time play in hard mode, but for every time you pee yourself you must do a dare.

First time of wetting - Take a banana and keep it up your ass.

Second time of wetting - Oh no, you've wet yourself again. Remove the banana and deep throat it 10 times.

Third time of wetting - Push that banana down your throat and hold it there for 30 seconds, or until you puke.

And yes, you still have to stay in bed until morning!

Good luck folks!

If anyone manages to complete this in insane mode, PM me and I will play a round on camera for you, with dares of your choice if I wet.
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