Thread: Fiction: Marty meets Mia and Charlie
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Old 06-01-2018, 01:34 PM   #59
Truth or Dare Junkie
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Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 6, Part 8

I went back to my knees and my toothbrush, and got to work on the kitchen floor. Miss Kathryn was reading in a sunny spot in the living room.

This was hard work, using the little brush to try and cover large areas of floor, but it was also thrilling. I was doing it because she told me to - not because it needed to be done (it did) or I wanted to, but because I was told. I started getting a little hard at the thought. So of course the way that the world works is that your boss always comes along at the worst time, and this is when Miss Kathryn appeared.

"Let me see how you are doing. Oh! I see you are having fun - that's good because you will be doing a lot of this in the future. Now: I see you are moving quickly, that's good. What about the crack along under the edge of the cupboards? I see some black bits there and . . . what do I have . . . this is bits of food that wasn't brushed out of the cracks, and spills that had splashed under here. This has to be clean enough to eat off of - and you know now that I mean that. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Nothing, Miss Kathryn. I was paying more attention to the large floor area and I should go back and clean those cracks and crevices."

"Yes, and you will. But you are moving too fast, so you go back over those areas and I see if there is a way to ensure you do not move too fast."

I went back to the corner where I started, and began to clean every crack where cupboards or appliances came to the floor. It was hard because of the need to scrub, rinse, scrub, and rinse again - and maybe again after that to be sure that it was cleaned out. And then she returned.

"Now, let's see if you move a bit more slowly this way. Handcuff from your balls to the handle of the big toolbox - but this time it is not just for you to sit on. It is still locked with a lot of heavy tools inside, so you can move it slowly around the kitchen while you scrub. Oh, and if you value your... well if you don't want to face additional consequences don't scratch the floor with the rough old box."

I was speechless. Fortunately I was learning what to say in any situation: "Yes, Miss Kathryn." I continued carefully, and she went off to do yoga. My previous arousal was long gone.

Naked and with the heavy toolbox chained to my parts was not the kind of thing I thought about when I thought about having the kids with my parents' for the weekend and we had the house to ourselves. I wondered if I should be happy I had what I always wished for, or if I should cry.

I was about half finished - well, if Miss Kathryn approved - when I heard her footsteps behind me. <SNAP>

"Just wait there while I have a look. Yes, this will do. Not perfect, but for a first effort it will do. Now keep it up and do it faster - we don't have all day."

<SMAK> "Aagghh!" WTF! I had not seen the belt she cracked across my upturned rump.

"Keep quiet! <SMAK> I just want you to know that I own you all the time. <SMAK> <SMAK> And I can be cruel and unreasonable <SMAK> or loving and caring <SMAK> or hot and sexy. <SMAK> I can just make you work and be a house slave. <SMAK> I can be your fantasies <SMAK> or I can be my fantasies. <SMAK> <SMAK> <SMAK> And I prefer my fantasies. <SMAK> <SMAK> And you prefer to be under my control. <SMAK> So that doesn't leave much space for yours. <SMAK> <SMAK> Now get to work. I have something else that has to be done today or you will suffer for it - all week." <SMAK> <SMAK>

Last edited by MarvHarvey; 06-04-2018 at 06:46 AM.
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