Thread: Doctor Who
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Old 09-06-2010, 09:03 AM   #822
Slenderman - Doctor
Truth or Dare Zealot
Join Date: Jul 2009
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I hope they release it in the USA. Seeing the Tenth Doctor regenerated with that music, kind of reminded me, like an messiah had died.

You have to admit David Tennant made Doctor Who cool. It is also nice that their is an American cult following in the US, since the Tom Baker years. Also the Tenth Doctor seemed to help it become part of the UK main stream too.

It'll be on iTunes at some point (same release day? Not sure). And the music irritated me because it was totally self-indulgent. I could go into a rant about the entire "The End of Time" story. I much prefer quiet regenerations. Yeah, they're huge events these days but still. And you've said exactly what bugs me. The Doctor is just a traveller with no home. Not a messiah, not a God, not a demi-God. RTD irritated me with "the lonely god" thing and I'm glad Moffat's dropped it in favour of an eccentric traveller.

I'll admit Chris Eccleston made it cool. After all, he was first. In fact, I'd argue Tom Baker made it cool. Or even Hartnell. It's always been cool, more-or-less, bar the dodgy 80s era. But even I love the 80s and it's possibly my favourite era. I'd argue David Tennant made the show what it is today - a huge success - but I never forget those who came before it. Eccleston had just as hard a job, bringing this "dire" show back to the screen with new energy and just groundbreaking material. And credit has to also go to Piper and RTD.

Your really hate the music?

My first SJA episode I saw, was the one with the 10th Doctor in it. I wonder how SJ will react when she sees the 11th Doctor. I wonder how the 11th Doctor would introduce himself.

I don't hate the music. But I strongly dislike it. It feels, to me, like Murray Gold just got louder and more self-indulgent as time went on. I much prefer the Series One stuff to the Series Four/Specials stuff. And S5 was brilliant, with Murray finally toning it down some with some new material.

It'll be great with SJA in that we're also getting [SPOILER] Jo Grant too, however she slots into the story! Can't wait

(And the wallpaper is cool, but I'm sticking to my Matt one )
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