Thread: Genital torture
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Old 04-28-2018, 05:36 AM   #1
The toe sucking anal slut
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Band-Aid Genital torture

Some questions for both (potential) genital masochists and sadists to answer.

'Torture' in this case means receiving some/any kind of pain (spanking, electric shocks, nettles, hot sauce, pegs or what have you) to the penis, balls, urethra, vagina, clit and/or labia.

For pain receivers:
  1. Do you have male or female genitalia?
  2. Do you like your genitals being tortured? If so, how much do you like it?
  3. What kind of pain do you like to receive there?
  4. What do you like about it?
  5. What kind of toys/items (if any) do you use for genital torture?
  6. Have you ever physically been tortured by someone else there? Or only online?
  7. Has any pain ever caused any visible marks? What kind of marks and how long did they last?
  8. What was the most amount of pain you ever received there? Did you still 'enjoy' it?
  9. Have you ever gone too far? How so?
  10. Do you have any tips for others how might want to experiment with receiving this kind of pain?

For pain givers:
  1. Do you like torturing somebody else's genitalia? If so, how much do you like it?
  2. Do you prefer to torture male or female genitalia? Or do you like to torture both equally?
  3. What kind of pain do you like to dish out there?
  4. What do you like about it?
  5. What kind of toys/items (if any) do you use for genital torture?
  6. Have you ever physically tortured someone there? Or was it only online?
  7. Has any pain that you dished out caused any visible marks? What kind of marks and how long did they last?
  8. What was the most amount of pain you ever dished out there? Did your bottom still 'enjoy' it?
  9. Have you ever gone too far? How so?
  10. Do you have any tips for others how might want to experiment with giving this kind of pain?

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