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Old 04-17-2018, 01:27 PM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 9
Lifebuoy - For the more daring among you...

This is an edited version of the original dare, slightly revised to conform more to Getdare rules.

This is a game that risks you getting exposed on temporarily exposed depending on how unlucky/lucky you are.

To play:

1. Write down a number between 1 and 10 on the front of your body. It doesn't matter where it is so long as it is clearly visible. The number should correlate to the level of exposure and would like this game to reach. 1 is very limited, 10 is extreme. This is to group up similar minded individuals.

2. Take a full body naked photo including the number. If the number you have selected is 4 or 5, there is a chance of you having to show face later on. If you have chosen 6 or greater you are required to show face now.

4. Send the photo to my kik at The___Director. (Note there are three underscores in the username.

5. Finally post here to declare yourself entered into the game...

Now wait. The remainder of the dare could take a day or could take weeks or months depending on the popularity of this post.

If you post the same number as the following amount of people, there is an appropriate punishment/reward!

3 people - a kik group will be made for all three of you and the photos of two of you will be shared to it.

4 people - the fourth person will be added to the group and I will now reveal all of your photos to the group. 1 person at random will also be added to the special group.

5 people - this is becoming unlikely now. 2 people from the group will have their photos uploaded to for 6hrs. The photo will not be downloadable but will be extendable up to 10 times for 30 mins each time.

6 people - 3 of the remaining people will now be exposed on The photo will not be downloadable but search engines will be turned on and even I will not have the power to delete it. The photo will be up for a mere 5 mins but the extension time will be 6 hours and 20 extensions will allowed. The title of the picture will be your get dare username.

7 people - All 7 people will now be exposed a second time however this time there will be no holding back. Downloads, unlimited extensions, search engines, comments. The title will be "Here we have "username". One of seven dared to be exposed online. Extend the time to have them do more dares" the three with the most extensions will be added to the special group assuming they are not already.

8 people - Very unlikely to get this far, all 8 exposed this time on kinktalk in an album.

--Special Group--
Warning - if you are here you have asked or been asked to join the special group. You will only be entered here if you have a number from 4 onwards. You will be added to a special chat on kik. As soon as the following number of people are present, the dares begin...

1 person - You will need to now send a new photo privately to me of yourself with face

2 people - 50% chance that your original photo will be sent to the other person to do as they please.

3 or more - will wait two more days to see if new members join. If so add two more days. Once there are two consecutive days without new additions, I will set a final task. This will involve both images and will be more difficult than previous challenges.

if even 1 person gives evidence of having succeeded this dare, I will consider them the new master of humiliation and far braver than me. Consequently I will subject myself to training by them and provide them with a picture of me and will become their slave for the foreseeable future.

Happy snapping!
The only limit is public and cam unless otherwise stated
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