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Old 04-12-2018, 11:17 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by JulieAllison View Post
With all the focus on equality here in good old usa, shouldn't this type of thing be considered in the name of equality as well? In my personal opinion if you want to be naked in public and your confident enough in yourself to do so why can't you be? Personally I lack the self confidence and guts to do it, so no idea if I ever could. Now of I saw someone just strolling down the street nude would I notice, yes. May I gawk, possibly. Could I become aroused, maybe. But let me take a second on that last point. Yes I might get aroused if I saw someone nude in public, but why? Because it is considered taboo and not socially acceptable, (plus the person might just look sexy). However if it was different and "normal" I doubt that would be the case. My response may be more to the tune of, oh look that person is nude much in the way now I may think something along the lines of she's wearing a cute dress. Does that even make sense?

So either way, a guy or a girl who chooses to wear a professional suit or one in just a sensible pair of shoes (those sidewalks are nasty, protect your poor feet and don't go barefoot please! ) who the heck cares? Seriously other than your own personal issues, feelings, etc how in the world would someone naked in public really have any affect on your life in any way? Just walk on by and ignore them just as you have ignored the other hundreds of people you walked past on the street today that impacted your life in no way whatsoever.

So I pose two questions here.

1. Would you ever go nude in public?
2. If you are anti public nudity, why?
Very interesting response, in answer to your questions. I would and have gone nude in public.
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