Thread: :( Questions
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Old 03-20-2018, 01:42 PM   #9
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1.What’s your favorite way to relax after work?

Lay on my bed with music

2. What is your go-to comfort meal for when you’re ill or have had a rough day?

Not so much a meal but lots of chocolate and yogurt

3. Do you have a movie or tv show you always watch when you take a sick day from work/school?

No just watch alot of streamers

4. Do you power through an illness/rough day or do you cancel everything and spend the day in bed?

Day in bed

5. Does your family have a “secret” to get rid of the cold or flu (ex: mom’s secret chicken soup recipe, sleeping with onions in your socks, taking a dip in cold water etc)? If so, please share!

Nope... just suffer through it unfortuanetly, look foward to seeimg some other peoples remofies

6. How do you destress when you’ve had a really tough few days?

Lots of screaming into a pillow, and chill, try and chat to friemds

7. Do you have any bad habits/lean on vices when you’re stressed that you normally wouldn’t when things are going well?

If im stressed i tend to get real moody with people or become really tense and confrontational

8. Have you ever faked a sick day to take off work/school and then got caught? What was your experience?

Never been caught

9. What are your nervous habits?

Rubbing my hamds together and sometimes get seriously shaky hands

10. Are you the type of person who visits the doctor every time you feel off or the type of person who refuses to go even when you’re on deaths door?

Hate going to the doctors, ill take a few painkillers and suffer rather than visit a docs haha

I want to be filled up like a sissy piggy

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Call me a PIG

Kik: Ace.Jax
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