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Old 08-22-2010, 08:06 PM   #37
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 42

1. Are you wearing socks? no.
2. What colour are your bed sheets? red
3. Would you wear a headband if I asked you to? no
4. Do you sleep on your side, front, back ect? every type
5. Milk? no
6. What's your height? 47kg
7. What's the first thing you do when you wake up other than the obvious (opens eyes)? to check my cellphone
8. If you could speak one language what would it be? chinese
9. Are you in a relationship? (Romantically attached? ) yes
10. Do you like helium balloons? no
11. Will you get me a helium balloon? no
12. If you saw someone off getDare in real life, would you say hello? yes
13. Do you play TorD in the TorD room in the chat? no
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