Thread: The Last
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Old 03-18-2018, 02:15 AM   #13
gD Curio
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: The Norf. ("Lots of planets have a Norf!")
Posts: 968
Blog Entries: 166

1. What was the last thing you put in your mouth?

Coffee (with milk & sugar).

2. What was your last received pm in reference to?

Joining a (slightly, but not really) competing forum.

3. What does your last text message say?

I don't send text messages, but I did recently receive a technical message from my service provider.

4. Who is your last phone call from?


5. What is the last thing you spent money on?

Food – I bought instant noodles for a week, flour, yeast, and butter.

6. Where is the last place you traveled to aside from work, school, or your home?

I cycled to the neighbouring town in January. (It's just 10 klicks...)

7. What was the last thing you shaved?

My chin.

8. What was the last argument you had about?

I can't remember when I last had a serious argument with anybody.

9. What was the last thread you commented about?

Favourite drink

10. What was the last tv show/move you saw?

I watched something on Netflix last night... but what was it? I was just lazying in front of the box, waiting to feel sleepy so I could go to bed... I can't remember! Some animated... Oh! I remember! The LEGO Batman Movie!

11. What was the last thing you physically wrote down?

Yet another unique password for yet another work-related site.

12. What was the last thing you threw out?

A couple of weeks ago I took a bagful of electronics to the recycling station.

13. What was the last regret you had?

I realised on Friday that I have in fact donated nearly 200€ to my employment insurance fund.

14. What was the last thing you said aloud?

I have been swearing a lot lately. A lot. Even when I'm home alone.

15. What was the color of the underwear you wore yesterday?

Didn't wear any.

16. What was the last thing you were sad about?

My life.

17. Who was the last person you had a sexual encounter with?

Myself... or a (male) friend of mine – depends on what counts as an encounter.

18. What was the last thing you fantasized about?

Money/job security.

19. What was the last thing you touched aside from a phone/tablet/computer?

I may have scratched my ear a moment ago... my left wrist touches my desk as I write this... coffee mug.

20. What was the last song you listened to?

Minutes ago: Kylie Minogue's Dancing.
/Male, fairly weird - and old like Morrissey and Madonna

I'm especially keen on hidden/semi public stuff (preferably outdoors) and I like to take selfies; I'm averse to anything unethical, illegal, harmful, painful, messy/dirty/unsanitary/icky or otherwise unpleasant.
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