Thread: Ask about Islam
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Old 08-13-2010, 09:34 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by tcitycity View Post
despite the comments above.. the reality of a faith or religion is how it is practiced in real life.

that means that islam currently along with all religions in past, are not religions or faiths of 'peace/etc'.

Islam today is a religion promoting intolerance, and murder.
Same as christianity & catholoism, in the past when it raped/murdered in the name of its faith.

This isnt a bash,but a observation of how the faith is practiced.

Its how its is pracriced is what truely defines a faith or religion, not the defination of it.

I am a Hindu and an Indian so according to common belief amongst the ignorants I hate Muslims and Pakistanis.

Now with that out of the way. I think it is utterly wrong to say that Muslim promotes intolerance infact I doubt any religion promotes that. There are always going to be people who distort the facts or the scriptures to suit their own needs and this does not happen only in Islam.

It happens everywhere be that person be Muslim, Hindu, Jew, Arab, Christian, I can just go on. It all boils down to education and if a person is not educated it is very easy to brain wash and feed him lies which leads to the fanaticism that evolves into terrorism.

For me all religion promote Peace and tolerance. I don't claim my religion is the best neither do I support views that any religion is best. Religion is meant to be a way for you to reach your peace and inner self. If Islam helps you get there then that so be it, if it is Hinduism then well done to you. it can be any religion or none that helps you reach your goals of spirituality.

Peace is always the same in any religion and I am a bit surprised that some think that any religion would define peace as something different. How can so fundamental a concept be defined differently?

There is a saying that says "Ignorance is a bliss!" I am sorry Ignorance is the reason why we see so much of fanaticism in the name of religion and anyone who tries to justify that an act of violence and decadence in the name of justice is right that he is the biggest bigoted fool.

We talk about 9/11 or 26/11 (Mumbai) terror attacks by terrorists who happened to follow Islam and have stereotyped Muslims as god-forsaken and murderers. Heck I have heard and seen many cases where if the person had a big beard like many followers of Islam do then he is invariably harrassed terming him as a terrorist.

Chrisitanity has had a bad past. Its wrong to term a religion as violent. No religion promotes that rather the followers who twist it to their own gains. I am neither promoting a religion here or denouncing any.

All I want to say is that every religion is promoting its own path of peace and tolerance and spirituality. All of them have been created by humans. And humans by default are bound to err so ergo all religions will have its flaw. Don't stone the religion but rather those who in the name of religion do what is against that written in its scriptures.
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