Thread: Ask about Islam
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Old 08-13-2010, 08:13 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by lokelake View Post
Why do Muslims where the hat-like clothing on their heads and do both genders have to wear it?

How often do Muslims have services?

When you say Muslims believe in Peace, is that similar to the Christian teaching?
The "topi" is generally worn during prayer to show reverence to God. Women generally wear the Hijab to do the same & preserve their modesty.

As said previously, Muslims pray 5 times a day and you can attend the Mosque for this or pray at home. On Fridays, the "lunchtime" prayer is compulsory to attend the mosque and a sermon is usually given.

In terms of Christianity, you'll have to explain what you mean by peace in that religion.

Originally Posted by tcitycity View Post
Islam today is a religion promoting intolerance, and murder.
As 444 has said, please can you elaborate on this because it's pretty bold statement and you haven't said anything to back it up in any way. I'm not not sure how many mosques you have visited, imams you have listened to or even Muslims you know but your statement is grossly inaccurate.

There are almost 1.5 billion Muslims in this world - how many do you know to be intolerant or murderers? The answer is very few in comparison to the overall figure. Stereotyping a whole religion on the actions of a few is incredibly silly. Do you believe the Catholic church promotes paedophilia?
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