Thread: Fiction: The Sleepover Club
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Old 08-09-2010, 04:08 AM   #25
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Chicago
Posts: 78
Default Chapter 8

Molly instructed all of us to go take a pee, starting with the ones with the most forfeit points and ending with herself. We wondered what was up, but we weren’t to find out until after the next game. Molly left the room and returned with eight quart sized paper cups with straws sticking out of the lids. They each had one of our names on the outside. Molly explained that this was a drinking race. When she said go, we would all crawl across the room to our cups, put our lips on the straws, and race to see who could finish first. When finished, the player would pick up her cup and crawl back to the other side of the room and place the cup in a line. If any liquid remained, the cup would be moved to the end of the line. We drew cards to see who would call “GO!” and Libby won. She yelled, we all took off, and the race was on. We reached the cups at about the same time, and there was a mass call of “YUK!”. The drinks were all prune juice. Brian and I had the smarts not to take the time out to gag. We both finished at the same time. He just barely beat me across the room to win. The next two were Molly and Bridget. Of course Molly had known what was coming and was prepared. But she still didn’t like the prune juice, and that slowed her down.

At this point Molly and Brian were tied with just two forfeit points. I was next with three, followed by Brianna with five, and Bridget with six. The other three brought up the rear with eight each.

Now we learned the reason for the earlier peeing. Molly announced that no one would be allowed to pee and that this contest was double. The first four people who had to pee would get eight forfeit points. The next two would get four, followed by the next to last with two. Only the person who went the longest would escape any forfeit points. Now I knew I was in trouble. I have always had a small bladder. But there was one out. If you peed in your pants, it didn’t count. However, you weren’t allowed to change your pants. The stain would be obvious. The timing was such that it would probably happen just about the time that Libby’s parents got home. I decided I would try to make it until her folks got there. After they left I could pee in my pants. It would be embarrassing, but it would save forfeit points. Some of our forfeits can be pretty bad. I wanted to finish as near the top as I could.

Molly then announced that the next game would be “Fizz-Buzz”. This is a counting game where he players sit in a circle and start counting consecutively from one. The catch is that when a number is reached that is a multiple of five, the player says “fizz”. If the number contains a seven, or is a multiple of seven, the player says “buzz”. If both are true, the player says “fizz-buzz”. After this explanation, Molly brought out 12-oz drinks for all of us. If we made a mistake, we had to drink at least three ounces of the drink. If our drink was empty, we were out of the round and had to accept the appropriate forfeit points. However, we could buy our way back in by drinking another 12-oz drink and having a new drink placed in front of us.

This was a fast-paced game and led to some quick decisions. I was happy with the game, as I have always been good at math. That proved to be so as the game developed.

Not all of the contestants were as apt as I was. I was glad that Brianna was one of the weaker players. She developed errors early. Others having problems early included my buddy Brian, Colleen, Libby, and Bridget. Nonetheless, Brianna was the first with an empty cup. She obviously felt strong about her ability to hold her urine, as she elected to drink an additional twelve ounces and get back in the game. Inwardly I laughed as I knew I was getting an edge. Next out was Bridget and she chose to stay out. Temporarily she was the big loser in the forfeit contest. Then Brian crashed, and he, too, stayed out.

The next round went a long way, but Colleen missed at 168 and chose to drop. Now she was the big loser. Just when it looked like Brianna was going to make her ploy work, she missed at 91 and went belly-up. She was beginning to feel pressure inside, so she gave up and conceded the four forfeit points. Libby had hung in for a long time, but she missed the double buzz at 177 and decided to cash in, since it was only a negative two. Molly had hoped to do better, but she crapped out next. Now it was down to Rachel and me. I thought that I could blow her off in a flash, but she kept coming up with the right response. I finally missed at 347, and conceded to her.

Now Molly and I were tied for the best score. Still I didn’t know how much longer I could hold out before I could pee. The others weren’t in much better shape. There was a lot of leg-crossing and crotch-holding going on. The next game was designed to aggravate our situation. We were paired up again. This time I drew Rachel. The two macho girls, Molly and Brianna, were a duo. Brian got Libby, while Colleen was with Bridget. Four buckets of water were placed on one side of the dropcloth. One member of each team lay down on the opposite side with a twelve-ounce cup balanced on their tummy. The four lucky recliners were Bridget, Libby, Brianna, and I. The other four had large spoons. They had to run back and forth, transferring water from the buckets to the cups. We were not allowed to touch the cups with our hands. If the cup tipped over, that team had to start over again. What with breathing, laughing, and trying to control your bladder, it was hard to keep the cup upright. Back and forth the runners continued. Every time water was heard splashing into the cups, there was that nearly irresistible urge to piss. You could hear everyone groaning. The scoring for this game was different. The winners both escaped forfeit points. Second place got one each, third got two each, and last got four. Rachel and I were lucky. While our cup teetered a bit, it never fell over. Every other team dumped their cup at least once. We won easily. Colleen and Bridget took second. Third went to Brianna and Molly. Poor Brian and Libby were last.

At this point the scores were: Willy 4
Molly 5
Rachel 8
Brian 10
Bridget 11
Brianna 11
Colleen 13
Libby 14

All this was about to change quickly. Libby’s parents weren’t back yet and I couldn’t hold my pee any longer. I could feel it leaking out of my dick. I had a decision to make. I just couldn’t embarrass myself in front of my friends and their parents. I yelled, “I give up!”, and ran for the bathroom. It just kept coming out of me. When I had finally finished, there was a round of applause. I had quickly gone from the top of the standings to near the bottom.

Before the next game could start, Brian tossed in the towel. Molly began to set up and explain the last game. She brought in a large mixing bowl. She put a dime in the bottom of the bowl. Then she packed the bowl full of flour. She put a piece of wax paper over the top of the bowl. However, before she could continue, she grabbed her crotch and ran for the bathroom. One more contestant had fallen short. When she returned, she inverted the bowl on a table, slid out the wax paper, and carefully lifted the bowl off. There the dime rested on top of a pile of flour.

Molly began to explain that each player had to take a knife and remove as much or as little flour as she chose, trying to keep the dime from falling. Before she could continue, Bridget ran for the bathroom. The other four with full bladders had escaped the worst penalty. We waited for Bridget to return. Molly continued. The player who caused the dime to fall received four forfeit points and was eliminated. The pile of flour would be set up again and the game played again.

We drew cards to determine the order. Brianna went first and predictably cut a large portion of flour away. But just as she did so, she realized that she was about to pee her panties. She gave up and took off for the john. That gave her four points. There was incentive for the last three to hold on as long as they could, for the penalties would go down each time.

Meanwhile, back at the flour pile, people were being very cautious as they cut away flour. It got all the way back around to Brianna. She was much more cautious this time. It was Rachel’s turn and she was shaking as she held the knife. With her bladder bursting she couldn’t steady herself. Not wanting to lose this contest, she gave up and headed for the toilet. As she came back to the table, Libby’s parents arrived home and came in to see us. They laughed at our game, seeing the dime balanced on a tower of flour. They had words with each of us. You could see the pained looks on Colleen’s and Libby’s faces, as they tried to control their overflowing bladders. Finally they left and Libby gave up and ran for the bathroom. After about her third step she yelled, “Oh Shit!”, as the urine rushed down her urethra into her tiny thong. There was no way the thong could contain it. It ran down her legs on to the dropcloth. The rest of us howled in laughter. Colleen thought she had won, but then realized that Libby had wet her pants and that didn’t count. Colleen conceded, took the two points and went off to relieve herself. The “Hold It” game was over.

The scores now were: Willy 12
Molly 13
Rachel 12
Brian 18
Bridget 19
Brianna 15
Colleen 15
Libby 14

Molly looked at the closeness of the scores and stopped Rachel from continuing to cut the flour. Molly announced that the flour game would be double. That meant anyone could still win and lose. That delighted Brian and Bridget and the others with high numbers, but disappointed Rachel and me. Still, it made it more exciting. Rachel moved back to the flour. The dime was balanced precariously at the top. There seemed no way that she could avoid bringing the pile down. She tried to cut off a really teeny amount at the base of the tower, but even that was too much, and the pile came down to her chagrin and the cheers of the rest of us. That gave Rachel 20 points, but it didn’t look as if she would finish in last place.

Molly set up a new flour tower, this time with a penny on top. We drew for a new order and I got last. It was clear that they were pointing toward me. Bridget and Libby went first and cut off big masses of flour. The others got it fine-tuned, so that it was just about at the same stage for me as it had been for Rachel. The result was the same, and I tumbled in the standings.

The new set-up had a nickel on top. It was clear that Molly was doing heavier and heavier coins. To make a long story short, Brianna was the loser this time, and welcomed the tumbling flour with a muted, “Oh! Fuck!” Now she was in last place. Only one other player could get the maximum eight, as Molly set it up with quarter on top. Now she fell victim to her own devious devices. The flour went everywhere, as she cut the tower too close to the quarter. She had been trying to set up Brian, who followed her in order. That sent Molly to 21 points, but she stayed in front of Brianna. We were all hoping it would stay that way.

The new tower had four dimes at the top. If any of them fell, the cutter was out. The remaining four players were getting pretty good at knowing just how and where to cut the tower to be safe themselves and to put the next player in peril. So the round went quickly and it was Libby who made a single dime fall. She was now at 18 points and in pretty good shape.

Now the tower held two quarters as the penultimate round ensued. Colleen was the unlucky one to cause the collapse of the flour. She was at 19 points, so she was far from the big loser. Brianna looked at the scores and realized that neither Brian nor Bridget could catch her. She swore loudly and we laughed and teased her.

The final round began with an old-fashioned silver dollar on top of the pile. The game went quickly and Bridget emerged as the winner. That gave Brian 20 points and Bridget 19. The final standings were:

Libby 18
Colleen 19
Bridget 19
Brian 20
Rachel 20
Willy 20
Molly 21
Brianna 23

To settle the ties, we drew cards, and the resulting order is as you see it above.
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