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Old 02-01-2018, 08:40 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post

Of course it should!

At the very list, getDare should realize that it hurts its users by having all these stupid rules, and it should at least start on a reasonable migration path to only adults who can enjoy nudity.

  1. Immediately cut the incoming of babies as new members, this should be done immediately.
  2. Get the age of every member, the smallest one is the one who counts.
  3. Invalidate the passwords of anyone over... say... 6 months of disuse. As part of the reactivation purpose of a deactivated account for disuse, you require a proof that you are 18 or older...
  4. Let time run its course. Say that somebody get a GetDare account on his 13th birthday and he managed to keep active so he did not fall in the disuse trap, that is a wort case scenario... in this case, you will be free of babies in 5 years.

Note, however that this would not be necessary everywhere. For example, the age of consent for sex is 15 years in Ontario, Canada. I could right now go to Ontario, grab a consenting girl, and give her the most humiliation, painful and exciting experience in her life... It would not be pedophilia. But if the same girl travels to Wisconsin (the legal age of consent there is 18), and I just touch her private organs, then it would be. GetDare could use this also to try to decrease the amount of time having to endure the weight of all those babies.

Of course, they would only do this if they cared about us...which they don't!
I'm not sure if your list of steps can actually be applied. Maybe I'm wrong—if so then correct me.
  1. Assuming that you mean underage people when you write 'babies', how should we "cut the incoming of babies" exactly? We can hardly ask for visual evidence of their age (licenses and IDs): too much work. Not to mention the tremendous cut in the number of registrants.
  2. The minimum age to register on getDare is 18 y/o so the lowest age would be higher than 18 y/o.
  3. Again, lots of work for both moderators and the registrant (or reactivator?). Just to be sure we are on the same page, we are talking about verifying each new individual user, right?
  4. It's been roughly 6 years and 8 months since getDare changed its minimum of age for users from 13 y/o to 18 y/o. Assuming you couldn't register if you are below 13 y/o before when getDare changed its policy on age, there shouldn't be any underage users left. Yet they are here because it's relatively simple to fake your age.

And about your trick to evade the age of consent of 18 in certain states and countries, you can't use this trick on getDare. This forum is hosted in California, USA, where the legal age of consent is 18 y/o. This age of consent applies to getDare in its whole and for everyone who's on the forum. However, if you take everything that goes on to another place where the age of consent is lower, you can probably do this... I guess.
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Last edited by RiskyFlame; 02-01-2018 at 08:42 AM.
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