Thread: Lads Home Alone
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Old 08-08-2010, 11:40 AM   #50
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: England/France
Posts: 126
Wink Part 18 - Surprise Guest

Hey! I'm sorry for this post being later than usual but I've been busy. I've noticed there's been no feedback lately, but I'll continue writing on the assumption that you'll still read. Anyway, I enjoy it. The story is about to take a twist that will make some of you happier, some not so... Let me know what you think and I'll try to go with the majority. I aim to please...


The boys looked around. Mike was shocked and devastated, Harry just worried: He didn't know who Amber was. The girl he liked was stood in front of him and had just seen him kissing another boy. Even in this situation where Mike wanted the ground to eat him up, he still took in her beauty. Her long dark brown hair, her slim body, amazing cleavage and round ass... To him, she was simply stunning. But the situation brought him back to Earth with a bang. Harry was the first to speak.

"Why are you in the boy's changing rooms?!"
"Why are you two kissing?" She replied, quickly.
"Answer me and we'll answer you."
"Well..." She looked embarrassed, but Mike couldn't understand why she did compared to how he felt. "I saw Mike come in and I wanted to speak to him."
"Really?" Mike couldn't help himself, "Why?"
"It doesn't matter now... Answer my question."

Because he wanted to know what Amber wanted to ask him, his mind worked faster than usual as he easily lied, "We were playing truth or dare."
Amber still looked confused.
"Well, that's a weird thing to dare each other."
"Umm.... Uhhh..." Mike stammered, not sure how to reply to this. Harry saved the day.
"We didn't... We were playing it before training with Tom and he dared us to do it here, in case we got walked in on. And we did... so I guess his dare worked."
There was a silence.

Amber's mind was spinning now. She had seen Mike enter the changing rooms from a distance and rushed over to talk to him. She had been thinking of him a lot lately but she wasn't sure why. It was her friend, Alexia's idea to talk to him and see if anything clicked. So when she saw the opportunity she just went for it. And, if she was to be completely honest to herself, she thought she might get to see some guys getting changed (she was disappointed to notice Mike was already in his kit.) She had stood outside the door, took a deep breath and walked in expecting to talk to the boy she liked. Instead, she saw him kissing another boy! She wasn't sure whether to believe their story, although it sounded believable. There was only one way she could find out if they were telling the truth.

"Oh... right..." She began, "Well, how about after your practice we go and see Tom to see if you're telling the truth. Also," She changed her tone, to sound playful and teasing, "Your games of truth or dare sound fun, maybe we should all play some time."
Mike knew it was a risk, but couldn't refrain from saying almost immediately, "Cool, well Tom's got a free house this weekend so you could come over after practice and we can play straight away!?"

She wasn't expecting this, but didn't take long to say "Yes." As she did, a few guys came in to get changed. She quickly left to sit on the field to watch the football practice, where her attention was fixed completely on Mike. Her thoughts soon drifted to their game and what would happen. It surprised her when she realised how horny she was getting, a wet patch slowly appearing in her panties.

She smiled.

It was going to be a good day...
Read my first finished story here!
Second-Cousins Play Some Games -

My second, ongoing story is here...
Lads Home Alone -

My Newest Story...
University Bromance

I fancied a change from story writing... Do my dice dare (just for the lads) here -
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