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Old 01-29-2018, 12:25 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by blasie2 View Post
this just seems like a bitchfest to me.
1. Findom from what i see isnt a tabboo here.Its that nobody wants to waste money.Meaning theres responsible people with atleast some sense of worth on here.Many will see findom as the dom being a lazy hoe purely because in most cases they are nobody with a sense of self wants to give up hard earned money.
2. Nudity isnt allowed as while it is now prodominently a adult site it still features the ability for minors to register.Thus in keeping with international laws can not give pornopgrahic images to minors.If you want getDare to continue and not get shut down hush.

3. Mental health.Now this is a topic which i dont want to even break on.You say people need to toughen up yes many do.But to blame mental health? thats fucking low.I know of atleast 2 others besides myself who have problems with this shit.And thats just in real life.I know another with diagnosed bi-polar from a doctor.And yet my facebook is never got whiny shits on it.Instead i have to see all my mates saying goodbye to their friends because they've committed suicide.In 2017 5 people that my friends knew committed suicide.So kindly take your "were shoving mental health down peoples throat BS and fuck off.The reason you think its being shoved down your throat is because it is now a visible topic that people can discuss.Same with how in australia people thought the "safe school"(aus equivalent to the lgbtq alliance things you guys have in usa) was brainwashing their kids into accepting lgbtq.Purely because a topic that wasnt spoken about was now being spoken about.So take you crap elsewhere when mental health is involved.
I'm wondering if your mentally capable enough to be part of this thread. We're debating here. Discussing ideas - not having fights. If you can not put an argument in a thoughtful and productive way, you are completely free to leave. Findom is banned here. You can not do anything findom in posts, blogs, albums - not even your own signature. How is that not taboo? As for your point about findom doms being "Nobodys" - what do you base this off? Why are dominants who engage in Financial Play lesser people that dominants who do not?

I struggle to see where it is you are getting your information from, but there is not the ability for minors to join this site. If you put a date of birth into the registration form that does not list you as 18 years old, a box comes up telling you that you are not old enough to join. The terms and services of join also clearly state that Getdare is for 18+ only. It also isn't predominately an adult site, it is an adult site. Not sure where you got the misconception that minors are welcome here? Does make me wonder who you've been playing with.

Do you know how to structure a debate? Clearly not. I already said that Mental Health has become a more talked about topic - and it's not talking about it, or accepting it exists that is my issue. It's the fact that it is encouraging more self diagnosis, society seems to be believing that having a Mental Health problem is a "trend", it's being used more and more as an excuse... in fact, every point I've made - you've completely ignored in favour or swearing, ranting and telling personal antidotes that fail to make a point completely.

Originally Posted by atownesq View Post
1. Findom- I agree in general that it's "okay" as long as consensual, but disagree with some of your semantics. In particular " it appears to be a taboo subject to many of the members of the corrupt establishment..." I haven't seen any evidence of "corruption" from the "establishment" here, but that's a subject that's probably a bit off topic.

Maybe I'm mistaken, but I do believe it is against the rules at least in the personals section. Full disclosure, from a personal perspective, findom is a limit for me. As a top, I just have no interest in taking a subs money. I have a good job and make plenty of my own. As a sub, and moreso as a person, I want to be appreciated for who I am rather than what I can materialistically provide. Sure, I always pay for dates with my gf and I will buy gifts for my Domme, etc, but when it's demanded as a requirement of the relationship, it's a turn-off. I actually agree with your statement that "money divides us," and think we put too much emphasis on it as a society, but that's precisely why allowing it unfettered would be a problem. Look at other sites that allow such (collarspace especially comes to mind) and you will see it quickly becomes overrun with "findoms," many of which are obviously fake. The temptation to try to swindle horny guys with money who aren't thinking straight is too great for many. As I said earlier, like everything else it's fine for consenting adults acting responsibly, but how many people end up just giving away money for nothing in return to people who take the cash and disappear and/or are totally misrepresenting themselves in order to acquire said financial subs?

2. I suspect there are very legitimate legal reasons for not allowing nudity here. You inadvertently made a great argument against it in your initial post. "We all know there are underage users here..." if one accepts that premise, and then allows nudity, the admin has just opened themselves up to a ton of liability. I'm not sure where this site is hosted, but I know in the U.S. you are supposed to have proof of age for any nude pics posted on file if you choose to allow nudity. It would be an administrative headache. In an ideal world, I agree, nudity is natural and really no big deal, and it's kind of silly to have a whole other site in kinktalk that's practically only serving that purpose, but, we don't live an ideal world.

3. If you want intelligent debate, you're going to have to stop making inflammatory, nonsensical statements with no supporting evidence. "with liberals beginning to ruin the world..." Seriously? you lose all credibility when you say shit like that, and I would say the exact same thing if you substituted the word "conservatives" with "liberals." If you want to know who is really "ruining the world" (although I would argue that's extreme hyperbole in and of itself) look in the mirror. It's the people who blindly follow an ideology while demonizing the "other side." Such a statement is pretty ironic coming from someone purporting to encourage "intelligent debate," but I digress...

I take the complete opposite position from you on mental health. Frankly, you are the one who sounds like "wimpy boy" whining about things you don't like showing up in your facebook and instagram feeds. I say this as a person who thankfully has never had any mental health issues, but lost my grandfather to suicide. There's been a long history of people having mental health issues being perceived as somehow inferior by society. We see it right here in your post, despite your disclaimers. Depression is a disease. Substance addiction is a disease. Social anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar, ptsd, are all diseases. We wouldn't call someone who has cancer "crazy." We don't shame people who have heart failure. I think the acceptance and realization of mental illness is actually a net positive for society. There are some horrible things that happen in the real world that are directly attributable to mental illness. This may be an unpopular opinion, but you don't shoot up a school or church unless you have some sort of underlying mental illness. For all the talk about gun control in response to mass shooting, what we really need is MORE mental health resources and awareness. You don't take your own life absent some sort of severe depression. You don't rape, molest, or otherwise harm a child without having some sort of mental health issue. Maybe if we remove the stigma associated with being mentally ill, more people will seek and receive treatment before their illness manifest itself in some of the horrible outcomes I've mentioned above. To be clear, I'm not suggesting ALL or even MOST people with mental illnesses have a propensity to do these things.
No problem, allow me to explain? Findom isn't officially against the Getdare Rules, however certain moderators have attempted to outlaw it despite no administrator ever coming out and claiming to have an issue with it. Whether it's deleting peoples personal things such as blogs, signatures or albums for example - some people are enforcing a rule that doesn't exist; merely because they don't like the fetish. I'm not a fan of Scat. If I went around the forum deleting every mention of Scat, would I be corrupt in what I was doing? I believe I would be.

Okay, I don't see how the legal liability would be on us as we take every measure possible to ensure that minors are not on the site. Whether that's via constant checks in the registration process - or whether that's the moderators themselves banning the underage users. We're hosted by the same site as Kinktalk, which is vBulleton. With that in mind, it's not the host that prevents us from being able to show nudity, as it's evidently allowed with Kinktalk.

As for not having supporting evidence of the Liberal disease running through the world, I can certainly suggest some. Perhaps we should begin with the Social Persecution of belief systems and ideologies that has become rampant since the recent Social Justice Warrior craze. Perhaps we should look at how liberals are inspiring more Government control and regulations, for example - looking at taxes as they believe that they can spend your money, better than you can. Nethertheless, the argument isn't about liberals - it's about Mental Health, so let's move on.

I think you've missed my point completely on Mental Health. I'm happy that it's raised awareness. I'm happy that it's talked about and people are getting the help that they deserve to get. I'll say it again - It's the fact that it is encouraging more self diagnosis, society seems to be believing that having a Mental Health problem is a "trend", it's being used more and more as an excuse... in fact, every point I've made - you've completely missed.

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