Thread: Fiction: The Sleepover Club
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Old 08-05-2010, 02:55 PM   #23
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Chicago
Posts: 78
Default Chapter 7


Hallowe’en came on a Friday that year. Libby asked us all over for a sleepover after trick-or-treating. Colleen suggested we all dress up to a theme. Brianna proposed that we go as a cheerleading team. That met with general approval. Brian and I thought it would be a typical college cheerleading team where the two of us would wear good looking warm up suits. The week before Hallowe’en we went to Colleen’s to try on our outfits. What a shock for Brian and me when we saw that there were eight identical female uniforms. We objected strongly. But after a lot of persuasion and soft talk by the girls, we gave in and agreed to do it. Molly warned us that we wouldn’t have to wear make-up and bras now, but on Friday we would have to. Brianna had a wicked smile on her face, so we should have known something else was up as well.

Trick-or-treating was from 5:30 to 8:00. The first hour or so was for the little tots. We got to Libby’s about six and started to change into our outfits. Brianna turned to Brian and me and spoke, “Your outfits have to be entirely female. That includes underwear.” With that she handed us a couple of tiny thongs. The rest of the girls burst into laughter. We pleaded with them, but they insisted. Once more we gave in.

After we had changed, Bridget came over to Brian and me and rubbed her hands up and down our legs. “They have some hair, girls!”, she cried out. “Get the razor and shaving cream.” What little leg hair we had grown was quickly gone.

Rachel then spoke up and said, “Let’s make this really exciting. No one is allowed to wear bloomers.” Brianna enthusiastically agreed with her, and soon all were won over and slid their bloomers off. The sensation of vulnerability was scary, but thrilling.

Libby’s mother had fastened pompoms to the outside of our bags, so we could handle the bags easily. Within an hour and a half, we hit a lot of houses and ended up with tons of candy. All along the way we kept trying to flip each other’s skirts up, especially when we were near other trick-or-treaters, but not adults. We all got embarrassed at least once, even Brianna. She was definitely the ringleader when it came to skirt flipping, so all of us tried to be aware of her location. But she was tricky. She would plot with another to flip a couple of skirts, and then turn on her ally and flip her skirt. It really was a lot of fun and the best Hallowe’en I had ever had, even if I was completely crossdressed.

We arrived back at Libby’s just after eight. Her parents gathered up our bags and announced that it was traditional to do a pie-eating contest on Hallowe’en. This was to be a tournament. The winner of the tournament got to choose all the games for the rest of the night. We thought that was a great idea. Secretly I hoped that Brianna didn’t win. For the first round, they brought out four chocolate cream pies and put them on the floor of the family room. We were paired up and had our hands tied behind our backs. The two pairs that won moved on to the second round. Brianna was my partner and Brian got Molly. Bridget was with Rachel, and Libby paired with Colleen. Each team had to eat one pie. Just before saying go, Libby’s father covered each pie deeply in whipped cream. The teams were really unfair. Molly and Brianna are very aggressive. Brian and I are no slackers. The rule was that all teams had to finish the entire pie, even if they had already lost. It wasn’t even close. The two coed teams finished way before the others and laughed and teased the losers.

For the second round we were working on our own. Each of us would get a small individual pie. We knelt and whipped-cream-covered pies were placed in front of us. Libby’s dad said “Go” and we started. What an ugly surprise! All four of the pies were a type that the contestant hated. Now we were being laughed at by the others. Apparently Libby had found out the info and set it up. The reason for the pairings in the opening round was now obvious. Nevertheless the opportunity to name all the games of the night was too good to pass up. We all struggled through. The drive was greater in Brianna and Molly and they finished before us guys.

Now it was just Molly and Brianna in the finals. Both of them were quite full already, having eaten the equivalent of a full-sized pie each. To compensate for that, Libby’s father brought out two strawberry chiffon pies. He called “Go!” and the two girls dug in. It was very close, but Molly just barely edged out Brianna. The rest of us breathed a sigh of relief, although we knew that Molly could come up with fiendish ideas herself.

Libby’s folks now left to take her 15-year old sister Emily to a sleepover and then out for a late dinner for themselves alone. We knew we had a couple of hours before they got back. They were sure to look in on us when they got back, but after that we would probably be unsupervised, unless we got too loud.

Molly now announced that we would have a series of games. The result of the games would be a set of forfeit points for the players. Those with the most forfeit points would have to pay the worst forfeits. In each game the winner got no forfeit points, the runner-up got one point, the next two got two points, and the rest got four points.

The first game was messy, but fun. The floor was covered with a big dropcloth. Brianna, Colleen, Rachel, and I got down on our knees and had our hands tied behind our back. In front of each of us was a big pie plate filled to overflowing with whipped cream. We were told that there was a raisin somewhere inside. We had to find it with our lips, pull it out, put it on the dropcloth, and push it ten feet with our noses. “Go!”, Molly yelled! I rooted around for what seemed like forever before I found the damned raisin. I was sure that I was going to lose. But when I popped up, I saw that I was the first to find a raisin. Off I went with my nose to the raisin and the ground. I tried to go in a straight line, but it is hard to do with as small an object as a raisin. Nevertheless I persisted and won, closely followed by Brianna. Rachel and Colleen were eliminated and got four forfeit points.

The other four then did the same race. It was really funny watching them root around in the mess. When all was said and done, Molly won her own race, with Brian right behind in second.

The four remaining players then knelt and had their hands tied. Molly knew what was coming, but the rest of us did not. Four new pie plates appeared, this time filled with chocolate tapioca and covered in whipped cream. The object we were searching for this time was a thumbtack. It was even harder to find than the raisin. And when finally found, it was really difficult to push in a straight line. We kept bumping into each other. All the time the laughter of the eliminated players was ringing in our ears. At least they had four forfeit points. At the finish the girls prevailed, with Brianna edging out Molly. They moved to the finals, and Brian and I picked up two forfeit points each.

For the finals, only one long pan was brought out. It was filled with just about every slippery, slimy substance one can find in a refrigerator, all mixed up. There was chocolate syrup, cold oatmeal, ketchup, mustard, marshmallow fluff, refried beans, and who knew what else. I was sort of glad I didn’t have to do this round. The object this time was an unshelled peanut. There were just two of them in the whole mess. When they started, the two girls plunged their faces into the cold, slimy mess. They are both very competitive. Brianna emerged with her peanut first and started off for the finish line. Molly was close behind. It was pretty sexy watching them crawl with their tushies stuck way up in the air. Molly was a little better manipulating the irregularly shaped peanut and caught Brianna just before the finish line. After one event, only Molly was lacking forfeit points.
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