Thread: Dare: Person Above Pee Dare
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Old 07-31-2010, 04:19 AM   #161
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 30

make piss ice cubes then put them in sweaty used socks with mud, grass and peanut butter and jelly, wear the socks till the ice melts then make a pb and j sanwich with the contents of the scks then wring out the socks ontop of the sandwich then eat it all then use the sock to cover ur dick whenever u pee for a week and use the sock as toilet paper for that week to then at the end you must suck the sock clean (i know its extreme)

i love extreme dares and it can include anything with pee ABSOLUTLY ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its Grooveboy101
I am bi

LIKES:wedgies, unflushed toilets, pee, swirlys, public toilets, urinals, sweat, dirty socks and underwear anything other than blood fire permanent
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