Thread: Fiction: Marty meets Mia and Charlie
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Old 01-02-2018, 11:41 PM   #24
Truth or Dare Junkie
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Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 4, Part 3

It was unnerving to go down another set of stairs almost blindfolded and with my hands not only cuffed behind my back but also secured to a cord leading back to my wife's hands. I knew she could use it to stop me falling, but she was also yanking it randomly, mostly side-to-side, to keep me a bit off balance. It was a relief to reach the basement floor.

"Now turn right to the utility room, you know where it is. Now stop and turn around slowly. There," she added with a yank on the cord. "Now back up just a bit." I felt a chair behind my knees. "Sit."

I tried to sit down carefully but as I got close to the chair she pulled my arms back and up a bit, causing me to sit down with a thump. "Aaaahhh! What's that?"

"Silence!" she practically shouted.

The chair was covered with small rough points that stuck into my butt and legs. Then she hauled me back to be upright in the chair and I found the back was covered too. "Aaaahhhh."

"Silence, I said. You'll be punished for that."

My arms were pulled down and she secured the cord to something. She moved around to the front and picked up my tender bits and caressed them gently - this was more like it. I felt her warm hands lift my balls, "I'm tying thin nylon cord around your balls - just your balls - with a slip knot." And I felt the fine line pulling tightly, pinching a bit, and then strongly upward. "The other end is tied to the ceiling. So if you try to get cute and tip the chair over, your soft little things will get cut off by that nice thin cord before you even hit the floor."

Then she went around behind and secured my arms to the upright rails of the chair back. She was using rope and lots of it. Whew! She was serious about giving me an interrogation scene. Next she moved to my legs and pulled each leg back along the sides of the chair so each foot was off the ground, and my weight was completely on my butt and legs. There were several straps on each - she must have collected all of our belts to do this. Added to the discomfort of whatever was covering the chair - I was thinking she had found the plastic carpet runner in the back corner of the storage area - she was really setting me up with the works. Woo Hoo - kids away and Kate was being creative! Hot weekend coming up!

"This is where I keep my prisoner until it is time for questioning. I can do what I want to him. This narrow basement doesn't have windows and the neighbours on the other side of the concrete wall are gone for the weekend. He can scream if he dares to take the consequences. He can think about that while he waits for me. Here is meditation music," and as she said that she turned on an old boom-box radio giving nothing but static. It wasn't really loud, but with it on I barely heard her walk around me, slowly, then move away.

I sat, wondering, moving my head a bit to see how much I could see under that heavy black cotton bag, and then: <SPLASH> a bucket of cold water hit me full in the chest. "Aaaahhh! Aaaahhh! What are you...."

"Silence or you'll get it worse!" she hissed angrily, just enough to hear over the static.

<SPLASH> Without a break, another bucket was dumped over me from behind. "AAhh!" I couldn't help myself. I heard the tap at the laundry sink and then felt more water being poured slowly over the bag on my head, soaking it. When I tried to move my head away a bit she just grabbed the straps of the shopping bag and held it in place. After walking through the house wet, I was already a bit chilled - now in the basement I was really feeling the chill. Tied to an uncomfortable seat, pretty much blindfolded, miserable, wet, and with the static all I could really hear, I wondered if this was such a good scene.

I was wet and cold and the heavy cotton would stay wet for a while. Frustrated, slumping as much as my bonds would allow, I could hear the tap running for a while - she must be filling another bucket. Kate was saying something to herself as she moved around in front of me again. <SPLASH>

Last edited by MarvHarvey; 01-04-2018 at 04:01 PM.
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