Thread: Fiction: Marty meets Mia and Charlie
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Old 11-15-2017, 10:36 PM   #10
Truth or Dare Junkie
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Marty meets Mia and Charlie, Chapter 2, Part 4

My buttocks twitched involuntarily. My breath was shallow, laboured. And my erection was as hard as ever in my life. Mia knew all this as she watched me, then reached between my legs from behind. “Yes! You are liking this aren't you! Are you a pain slut or do you just need to obey?”

"Uumm uumm," I tried through the gag as I shook my head to the first and tried to say "Eeaa, eeaa, O-ay, O-ay" as I nodded to the second, but Mia just laughed.

“Your body will tell me which. I can't trust what your brain wants to tell me,” she laughed. The she stepped out of sight and I heard her slash the air. <Thwzziipp> <Thwzzoopp> <Thwzziipp> (Does she think she's Zorro's sister, I thought irrelevantly.)

Then all was still. I mewed a little I think - at least I think it was me. Charlie came into view as he came to watch. His pain appeared to be gone as I watched him lick his lips in anticipation. He was panting as he studied my face, and I could even see a small smile. <Twzzuup> He was going to enjoy this! I was not, no matter what my engorged cock thought was going to happen! <Thwwzzuupp> I was vibrating with fear, with anticipation.

I felt her hand between my legs again, caressing my balls. Then stroking me, heading for an orgasm. “O! O! O!” I tried to say 'No! No! No!' through my plugged mouth. She paused to let me come back from the edge. <Thwzziipp> I bucked with fear, almost having an orgasm as my body seemed to act on its own, even as tears of fear formed in my eyes. And I had not felt her slash my tender white cheeks – yet.

“Take your place, Charlie. We are about to start and it will take a few minutes.” And with that both were out of my sight. Another squeeze and caress of my balls. My body rocked on the edge of an orgasm. <Thwzziipp> The switch in the air again.

And then I felt that flexible green sapling touch me – she stroked it back and forth across my tender bottom – was she going to do it this time? There was a pause.

Was she? Was she going to thrash me, to beat me? The pause continued. Then another light touch. I twitched in response.

Then I felt multiple hands pushing bundles of leaves into my balls and cock and into my crack. They were massaged into my sweating butt cheeks and I felt what must be Charlie's strong fingers kneading my gluteus muscles like bread dough. I shook from my fingers all the way to my toes, and then my skin started to burn.

Last edited by MarvHarvey; 11-20-2017 at 02:56 AM.
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