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Old 11-02-2017, 05:50 PM   #8
Golden_Throw's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 83
Blog Entries: 2

1. Would you rather never orgasm again or never be able to make anyone else orgasm no matter how hard you tried (including toys, over cam or during sex of course)? The only exception would be if someone else took your place to pleasure your partner.

I would rather never to be able to make some one else orgasm. I can bring them close and then let them finish.

2. Would you rather your closest family (parents, siblings or children) or your closest friends found out about your kinks? If they already know replace with the worse secret about you that no-one knows.

I have no choice but to say family. I recently moved so I have no friends here yet.

3. Would you rather perform your kinks for who you picked above or see them perform them? (If they perform there's no assumption that they'd like it but they'd be forced to do it anyway).

Preform them myself. I would never foce my family to do something.

4. Would you rather never be able to do your favourite kink again (you'd still crave it but you'd magically be stopped from performing it) or remove the inhibition that stops you doing one of your hard limits (you'd still have to deal with all the consequences of the actions but face minimal guilt)? Which kink/limit would you remove?

I would remove a limit. Probably my hate of pain, it and heavy scat eating are my only limits that I have because I don't like them.
Getting back into this site! Maybe.

19 Trans Woman

Currently locked up until December 1st.
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