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Old 10-19-2017, 04:20 AM   #74
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 52
Blog Entries: 1

1.) Are you a guy or a girl?

2.) How old?

3.) Straight/bi/gay/tranny?

4.) First sex act you performed on yourself?

5.) First sex act you performed on another?
Fingering or playing with tits.

6.) Who did you perform number 5 upon?
My then-girlfriend.

7.) First time you had a sex act performed upon you?
15, handjob.

8.) Who performed number 7?
My then-girlfriend (same as 6).

9.) Do you watch porn?
Not anymore. I'm in a relationship and I'm living with my other half, so I don't have the opportunity any more. I did while I'm not in a relationship or I am but not living together.

10.) Do you masturbate whilst watching?
Yes, when I do watch it.

11.) Have you ever watched porn with anyone else?
Yes. I watched some with an ex (not the same as earlier).

12.) If answer to 11 is yes, then who?
My girlfriend at the time.

13.) Have you ever had sex in a bed?

14.) Have you ever had sex in a bath/shower/bathroom?
Yes to all

15.) Have you ever had sex in a car?

16.) What's the biggest age gap between you and a sexual partner?
Three years, I think.

17.) Have you ever had sex in public?
Kind of.

18.) If answer to 17 is yes, where?
The disabled toilet of a local museum.

19.) What's the kinkiest thing you've ever done?
Not sure, I haven't done all that much.

20.) What's the kinkiest thing you'd ever consider doing?
Probably some kind of anal bondage type thing.

21.) Have you ever knowingly broken the law through some form of sex?

22.) If so, what?
Underage sex, both when I was the underage one and when my girlfriend was the underage one (separate girlfriends). Please don't ban me?

23.) Have you ever had webcam sex?

24.) Have you ever had phone sex?
No, but I have dirty-texted.

25.) Have you ever had a dildo used on you by another person?
Yes, one was one of those insertable vibrators with a penis-shaped sleeve which my girlfriend and I shared a couple of times and another girlfriend and I shared a proper dildo a few times. She had me act as if it was her cock and I was sucking her off a few times. I don't think she ever fucked me with it, though, I think we broke up before we got there.

Extra Questions for Virgins (non virgins welcome to answer)

26.) When do you want to lose your virginity?
Lost it already.

27.) Who, in an ideal world, would you lose it to?
Not the girl I did lose it to, anyway.

28.) What's the most perverted thing you've done whilst able to see other people?
I'm not quite sure I'm interpreting that right, whatever it's supposed to mean

29.) Have you ever masturbated over a teacher/family member/neighbour?
Yes, a teacher, and I danced with her at prom. Also yes to a family member, I've got one cute female cousin.

30.) Did you come on GetDare with the intention of losing your v-card?
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