Thread: 25 truths
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Old 10-19-2017, 01:49 AM   #9
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 52
Blog Entries: 1

1. Favorite smell?
I can't really smell an awful lot, so I'll go with one of the few things I can: a good curry!

2. Last time you cried?
I really can't remember.

3. Favorite pizza?
Ham, pineapple and mushrooms. Go on, tell me pineapple doesn't belong on pizza, I dare you.

4. Favorite flower?
Never really thought about it. I guess roses.

5. Did you go to college?
Nope, but I am at university.

6. Untie your shoes when taking them off?
When I have laces, I always undo them. I can't get my feet out otherwise.

7. Roller coasters?
Not for me. I don't enjoy the nausea afterwards.

8. Favorite ice cream?
S Luca's Nutella. You'll all have to come to Edinburgh and try it! They're a really great ice cream shop over here. Thank God for the Italians!

9.Favorite pastime?
Wargaming, specifically The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game. Fantastic ruleset by Games Workshop, and it's getting updated next year!

10. Shorts or jeans?
Jeans, always jeans.

11. What are you listening to?
At the moment, the sounds of my nails clicking on my phone's screen as I type and the construction noises outside.

12. Favorite Color?

13. Tattoos?
None, and I won't get any. I'm not opposed to other people having tattoos, but they don't really do anything for me.

14. Piercing?
Same as tattoos, except that I find most piercings nauseating to look at for some reason.

15. Color of hair?
Light-ish brown.

16. Color of eyes?
Grey, and I hate them. In some lights, people tell me they're blue.

17. Favorite food to eat?
Ooh, toughie. Roast lamb with a nice mint sauce, or my uncle's rabbit in red wine sauce.

18. Favorite holiday?
To Tenerife, to see the aforementioned uncle, or to Skye to see a family friend and hear his stories.

19. Beer or wine?
I don't drink, so neither. If I had to choose, I guess beer, since you can get some fruity ones that cover up the ethanol taste.

20. Night owl or morning person?
Night owl.

21. Favorite day of the week?
Whatever day I get to have a game of LOTR (see favourite hobby question).

22. Do you have a nickname?

23. Pictures on your profile?
Not on here.

24. What makes you most proud?
My skill as a storyteller.

25. Favorite music?
Let's go with classic rock. It's what I listen to most.
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