Thread: 25 truths
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Old 10-14-2017, 07:19 PM   #5
getDare Devil
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Join Date: Jan 2017
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Blog Entries: 5

Oh, why not? I am bored anyway =p

1. Favorite smell? New books or the smell after rain stops
2. Last time you cried? Earlier today ._.'
3. Favorite pizza? Pepperoni, mozzarella, bell peppers and cherry tomatoes
4. Favorite flower? Hmm... white lilies I think
5. Did you go to college? Yep
6. Untie your shoes when taking them off? Nope, waste of time =p
7. Roller coasters? Depends on which, I don't like too extreme ones
8. Favorite ice cream? Either cookie dough or salty caramel =D
9.Favorite pastime? Reading, gaming, cooking, in that order
10. Shorts or jeans? Tough... denim shorts? =p Nah, probably jeans
11. What are you listening to? Right now? Within Temptation - Faster
12. Favorite Color? Green
13. Tattoos? 2 weeks from now getting my first =o
14. Piercing? Nope
15. Color of hair? No idea how to describe it, and every person say something different =/
16. Color of eyes? Green
17. Favorite food to eat? Pancakes
18. Favorite holiday? Christmas
19. Beer or wine? Wine
20. Night owl or morning person? Definitely night own
21. Favorite day of the week? Friday
22. Do you have a nickname? Nope, I used to have one when I was younger that I loathed, hated it.
23. Pictures on your profile? Nope...
24. What makes you most proud? When I can help people =D
25. Favorite music? Symphonic Metal and Classic
Hey there!
You somehow stumbled upon my signature.
Why are you interested? I'll never guess... but gD's usual stats follow =p
  • I am in my late twenties
  • I have no idea what my sexuality is, something in the middle of bi, pan and asexual
  • I really like books, games, role playing, swords and silly/cute things
  • My likes/dislikes/limits and PM Dares need rewriting... but I am lazy and don't think will need them soon
  • Damion is this awesome guy who is my friend and master
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