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Old 10-06-2017, 06:02 AM   #53
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First of all, this is a great Dare, love it !! definitely will do this more than once!

Step 1: I rolled a 3, wasn't that hard at all for me since I decided to do this challenge after 16 days of NO touching at all, except daily normal things. one touch and it stayed hard for the whole 5 minutes.

Step 2: rolled a 5, stroke at 75 bpm for 4 minutes....had to stop the timer twice, but damn that felt good after sooo long precum is flowing really nice.

Step 3: easy, writing this while my cock is throbbing and begging to be touched :P . moving on to the next step

Step 4: rolled 6 and got 6 edges, pretty happy about that, love a challenge, had to really careful tho

Step 5: i had to do the two hand down strokes for 3 minutes. at first went really fast and got myself to the edge and from there on i just rode the edge since i was able to decide the stroking speed. precum is going crazy, i'm really enjoying myself so far. on to the next steps

Step 6: rolled a 5 and 3, which meant 4 minutes of stroking with no break and eyes closed. 4 minutes in which i had no problems keeping my eyes closed, but had problems not going over the edge.the temptation to just stroke fast and then let it go was high, but in the end i edged 2 times, clenched as hard as i could and finished the challenge

Step 7: rolled a 3..... edged quite easily and 2 minutes staying hard without touching was easy, no problem there. now, final step....let's see what i get !!

Step 8: rolled a 1, set the metronome to 160, the timer to 30 and went for it....but i didn't cum. i was like, let's build it up pretty good, not let go right away and before i knew, the 30 secs were up (couldn't see the timer since i was looking at some pics). so, i decided not to go on with it, as a punishment, no cumming for me.

conclusion: this is one of the best dares out there for me, really enjoyed it and maybe one day, you'll make am improved version of this with more options and more fun

Last edited by harlemboy89; 10-06-2017 at 06:23 AM.
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