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Old 09-04-2017, 06:19 AM   #15
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Default 5 rules for karl

How long : 5- 2 weeks

4- You must edge once every hour (for a total of 8 hours) throughout the night to cum the next day. If you miss edging during any hour during the night, you may not cum the next day. You may choose which nights you wish to follow this rule, but no cumming if you do not complete this task.

1- Any time you need to pee you must first spend 5 minutes standing in front of the toilet thinking about how much you need to go. If you must go right away (eg: you're at work and cannot afford the 5 extra minutes), you may. However, the next time you must pee, you must spend 15 minutes standing in front of the toilet instead of 5.

2- You may wear underwear any day you own a pair of the correct color. You may not wash any underwear during your rules period. If you do not have enough pairs of the right color, you can choose to wear the dirty pair, or no underwear at all. Sunday: Black, Monday: Purple, Tuesday: Pink, Wednesday: Yellow, Thursday: White, Friday: Red, Saturday: Green

3- Dog- You must eat at least one meal a day from a bowl on the floor without using your hands. If you eat all meals with others around, then take a snack to your room and eat the snack in this manner.

2- Throughout your rule time you must write a total of 500 sentences by hand (yes, this will be harder for those with a shorter rule "Writing sentences sucks because it makes my hand hurt."

NIce for next 2 weeks

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