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Old 08-18-2017, 07:38 AM   #54
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: UK
Posts: 262

Chapter 13

Iris finally slid out from underneath Jade, her face wet for an entirely different reason to Jade’s. After Jade caught her breath, she rolled over onto her back and looked directly at her sister. She was sitting on the corner of the bed now, her finger inside her moth. She was sucking dutifully on the finger that only moments earlier had been deep inside Jade’s ass. She was a dirty thing and Jade couldn’t help but wonder where the future was going to lead them. Jade grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back down on top of her. Iris giggled and placed the wet finger into Jade’s mouth providing her the taste of saliva and her own ass; Jade loved the complete sensation.

“Tastes good, doesn’t it?” Iris asked and Jade laughed and nodded. “I can’t believe that this has actually happened. Were you always feeling this way? I mean, wow,” Iris asked sucking off the remaining juices on her hand.
“Sort of I suppose,” Jade said, suddenly feeling slightly sheepish.
“So why didn’t you say anything?”
“Why didn’t you? You seemed so in character, I thought you were only acting,” Jade explained. Iris snorted in laughter.

“Me? Really? You were the one who was taking notes, listening intently to Louise. I mean, if you felt anything you could’ve just responded to all the hints I always drop. Remember all those times I would lay in your lap while we watched movies, the time I tried to get in the shower with you. You even caught me masturbating on the bed before and I had to pretend I was sleeping. It’s hardly like I’m subtle Jade,” Iris complained and now it was Jade’s turn to burst out laughing. Iris joined in. Maybe they were better actresses than they actually thought as somehow they’d both fooled the other.

Jade impulsively leaned forward and kissed her passionately, but gently this time. The sisters couldn’t even help but playfully giggle even when they kissed. After a while the kiss broke, and they were lying on the bed holding each other, content. After a long while, Iris broke the silence. “So what does this mean,” she asked, “What happens next?”

Jade had absolutely no idea. She had been wondering the exact same thing; that seemed a regular occurrence now. It seemed they were always thinking the same thing. “I don’t know Iris,” Jade replied, “I can’t say what’s going to happen in the future. This obviously isn’t normal. However in this sorority it isn’t unheard of, we aren’t the first sisters to be together and the others were accepted. I don’t know if I want it to stop.” Jade looked over her shoulder. “However I do know one thing.”

“What’s that?” Iris asked.
“We need to be downstairs in 5 minutes for the meeting. You know it’s another night of fun,” Jade joked. “I’m a little bit nervous about spending a night with Monica though. She kind of scares me,” Jade confessed.
Iris smiled. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. It might be the sophomore card anyway and that means you’ll be with Liv and she seems nice. Plus you get to share her with Becca and that could be a really fun night.”
Jade giggled, “You say that, but I already think I’m exhausted. I’m not sure I could handle a night like the first one of these. Anyway, we better get moving.”

The sisters quickly straightened out their hair, cleaned their faces and hurried down the stairs, not having enough time to shower. They were the last of the pledges to enter the room and they hurried to join the other naked girls in the middle of the room. A few of the girls gave them knowing looks and smiled. Beth gave an exaggerated whiff of the air and grinned knowingly at Jade who only blushed. Becky gave her a big stare and winked at her but there was something else there. There was an extremely worried look. Jade continued to look around the room at the girls she noticed that once again one was missing, Mia. She looked over to Becky for indication of what was going on but Becky was only staring anxiously at the door, looking for something.

Jade looked around the pledges and was surprised to see how scared Kylie and Vickie looked. They were both staring down at the ground and appeared to be shaking in fear. Jade continued to search around the room and her eyes rested on Monica. She seemed to be the only one who wasn’t smiling. Not only that but she looked outright angry about something. Monica held up her hand silencing the room and everyone hushed but some of the peculiar expressions around the room did not change. “Good evening pledges,” she seemed to say calmly. “I do hope that you all had a good time earlier and over the last couple of hours.” Monica looked around the room and let her gaze fall over the pledges. Immediately Kylie looked to the floor again.

“The point of last night was to discover your animalistic natures and connect with your sisters on an intimate level. I think that was all a success. Tonight is a new lesson however. Tonight you will learn about satisfying another and providing for them. You are going to learn to appreciate the importance of others. However before that happens, we have a matter to resolve. Earlier in the evening two of our pledges here made a mistake. In this sorority we appreciate and accept exhibitionism; at times it is even encouraged as you may find out tomorrow but being caught is an entirely different matter. It reflects badly on this sorority which ends up reflecting badly on me as its president.”

“Vickie and Kylie please step forward,” Monica stated. A few of the pledges fidgeted and there were nervous looks around the room. Becky continued to stare anxiously at the door. Jade could see that the two girls who stepped forward were shaking in fear as Monica’s expression gave nothing away. “You see everyone, while we were enjoying the last few hours of fun, these two girls decided to get a bit frisky as well. Unfortunately for all of us they did it in front of an open window looking to the outside. As a result we received a phone call from the police after a neighbour complained about public indecency. Although we only received a warning a lesson must be taught and these two girls need to be punished.” Monica paused as some murmuring echoed around the room.

Vickie and Kylie waited anxiously for the murmuring to stop, neither of them was certain of what was to come next. “Ladies, do you have anything to say to defend yourselves?” Monica asked.
“I’m sorry,” Kylie began, “We were really turned on and everyone else had left the room. We didn’t really think about the window being open. It won’t happen again, I promise.”
“You’re right it won’t happen again. To ensure it doesn’t we’re going to give you a reminder about what might happen if it does. This sorority cannot have its pristine image across the campus ruined by a couple of careless bitches.”

“Come on Monica. The girls said they’re sorry,” Jenny cut in. “Let’s just move on with the initiation already and let it pass with a warning this once.”
“Don’t think to address the president like that or you may end up joining them,” Monica responded harshly. A few of the other juniors and sophomores murmured amongst themselves. “Samantha, Sophie, bring two tables” Monica ordered. The two girls disappeared momentarily and then reappeared with two of the smaller tables and some handcuffs.

The two girls took hold of Kylie and Vickie and brought them forward, bent them over at the waist and proceeded to cuff the girl’s hands and ankles to the table legs. Both girls were now entirely on display to the entire group. “According to the written sorority laws, the punishment for this type of offence is a caning. However, as the law states, an official punishment must be delivered by a member of the offenders class,” Monica stated. “Therefore I will draw a name from this bowl to determine which of the freshman will administer the punishment.” The pledges waited anxiously as Monica dipped her hand down and drew out a slip of paper.

“Jade, please step forward,” Monica commanded. The room was now full of an uncomfortable air of doubt and anxiety. Each sister was looking to the next for support of what to do. Nobody but Monica seemed to want this to happen, but nobody was intervening. Monica smiled as Jade walked towards her and the two prone, shaking girls. She slowly took out what looked to be a long hard stick from behind her and the fear in Kylie and Vickie’s eyes seemed to double instantly.

Jade sighed at the sight of it. The item looked brutal and painful. “Please Monica,” Vickie began before Monica held up a hand to silence her.
“You do not talk to me from that position, be thankful that you aren’t currently gagged,” Monica stated. Jade stepped forward and took the stick from Monica. While she did it, Monica pulled her in quickly into a kiss and Jade felt that feeling of herself melt again. She couldn’t help it. She wanted to despise this girl at the moment, but the second her lips locked she wanted nothing more than to serve her.

“I believe 100 hits for each girl ought to get the lesson across well enough,” Monica stated and both Kylie and Vickie whimpered in fear.
“Come on Monica, that’s enough,” Becky spoke up, “There’s no need for this. It isn’t what the sorority is about.”
Monica held her hand up to Becky. “The next person to speak up will be put to a vote amongst the seniors on whether they will also face punishment. The senior girls have already voted unanimously in favour of this.” Becky silenced herself and looked away in frustration.
“If I see anything less than 100% I will be upset,” Monica stated. “Begin!” Both Vickie and Kylie instinctively tensed at the word, awaiting the feeling of wood on flesh.

“No!” Jade replied loudly
“What did you just say?” Monica questioned.
Jade threw the cane against one of the walls in defiance. “I said No! You can punish me, you can humiliate me. However, you cannot force me to hurt my sisters. I won’t do it. I can’t do it.”
Monica looked as if she had just been slapped in the face. However that shocked look slowly turned to a wicked smile. “You’re right. I can’t force you to hurt them. However I may be able to convince you to change your mind. Go to the kitchen now little sister.”
Jade turned and stormed through the door, down the stairs and into the kitchen area.

Jade waited patiently in the kitchen for about 5 minutes. She had no idea what was now happening upstairs. She hadn’t heard any screams or shouts. In fact she hadn’t heard anything until the door at the top of the stairs opened again. As it opened she heard Monica’s voice. “If anybody comes down, they will be expelled from the sorority.” The door upstairs slammed close and suddenly Monica appeared looking incredibly calm.

“You remember the last time you were in this room don’t you?” Monica asked. Jade simply nodded. “Well,” Monica began, “There are currently 3 options for you. Option 1 is you go upstairs, apologise to me in front of everyone and beg to punish those two girls.”
Jade swallowed thickly and looked up at Monica scared, but shook her head no.
“OK, well option 2 is you get kicked out of this sorority. The senior girls vote on all major decisions and they are all loyal to me. After that I will simply get your sister to take your place in the punishment,” Monica explained. Again Jade simply shook her head no.
“Well, that only leaves option 3. I am still annoyed about you interrupting me with Holly. So I propose that instead of you punishing the girls upstairs, you take whatever I request of you right now, and we will state that we reached a nice and friendly agreement down here.”

Jade looked up at Monica’s straight expression and thought back to what she had seen with Holly. “OK, I want you to punish me,” Jade said nodding. “I will take the punishment instead, whatever you want to give to me.”

“You remember this don’t you,” Monica stated as she pulled out the recognisable ginger plug n which she had previously threatened to use with Holly. Jade simply nodded. “Good, now get over my knee.” Monica sat down on one of the chairs as Jade slowly moved forward, her heart suddenly seeming to beat excitedly as somehow she actually felt slightly aroused. She laid herself over Monica’s lap, nervously tense knowing nobody was going to come to her aid, the way she had with Holly.

“That’s a good girl,” the president mocked, letting her hand rest on Jade’s warm ass, caressing it slowly. Monica shifted in her seat moving Jade around, pulling and pushing until she was testing over her thighs, ass up in the air and her groin pressing against the president’s thighs. “Give me your hands,” Monica demanded calmly, pulling out a piece of string. “I’m betting you’ve never been properly spanked before, so I’m not going to have you try and stop me,” Monica stated.

Jade blushed. Monica was right; she had never been spanked other than playfully. She heaved in a breath, feeling intimately aware of her body as Jade reached her hands behind her, letting Monica take them and tie them tightly behind her back. She could feel the president’s warm thigh against her groin. She blushed further as Monica pushed down on her back slightly, angling her ass up into the air. Jade’s breath came in quiet pants as she squirmed.

Once her hands were secure, Monica wasted no time in letting her hand rest against her ass. She rubbed her hand slowly around and felt the glistening juices on Jade’s pussy. Monica fingered over it lightly causing Jade to jump and twitch. “Maybe this won’t be such a punishment for you after all,” Monica teased, “You’re so wet I think you might cause a flood down here. Maybe this is what you’ve wanted all along, someone to take charge and teach you your place, make you accountable for your actions. You wouldn’t be the first girl and not the last either.” Monica stroked her ass again before sliding her fingers down, slipping between the folds. She was so slick and hot against her fingers, so ready for her to do whatever she wanted down there.

“Please don’t,” Jade whimpered, jerking as her fingers brushed against her. As Jade whimpered for her not to do it, she knew that her clit was throbbing against the president’s thigh, her legs jerking slightly with every single touch. There was an ache deep inside her that was begging to be filled, begging for those fingers to slide deep inside her warm, wet pussy.

“But you’re so wet,” Monica stated, sinking one finger inside her with ease, taking to heed of the whimpers. “You’re mouth is saying no but your pussy is pleading yes. It wants to be filled like the horny slut that you are.” Monica slowly twisted the finger inside her, feeling the way she twitched and clenched. She roamed freely with the finger as Jade moaned.

“I’m not a slut,” Jade moaned, trembling at the invasion. Jade wasn’t sure why she was squirming so much but she had to bite down moans as the feel of the finger inside of her pushed her on. She wanted to be full; she wanted to be fucked desperately, by anything. The president slipped her finger out of the surprisingly tight, wet pussy and wiped it on the back of her leg.
“Right,” she said, “Because if you weren’t a slut, you wouldn’t be getting off on being put over my lap. You can’t fool me Jade, not when I can see exactly how wet you are.” She brought her hand down on the round, perfect ass with a resounding slap.

Jade jerked and clenched, letting out a little squeak. At first, the slap didn’t even really register, but the feeling quickly caught up to her. It stung, made het squirm, fighting against the string keeping her arms behind her back. That feeling made her change her mind. “I can’t do this,” she gasped, “You can’t make me. Let me go, I’ll leave if I have to and... I don’t know. I just don’t want to do this.”

Monica just started to laugh. “You think that now I have you tied up over my lap that I’m going to actually let you just go?” she asked. “Oh no my dear, I’m not going to let you go until I’ve exacted every ounce of penance from this perfect skin. I’m not going to stop until your ass blushes a nice fiery red for me. You can tell whoever you like, or you can just accept this is happening and move on as a member of this sorority. But just remember that every time you set a foot wrong, you’ll be back with me getting your ass beaten raw. A bit of pain is better than expulsion? Besides, judging from how wet your cunt is, you might actually enjoy this, especially afterwards when I take out my strapon and ram your cunt and ass until you’re screaming. Now shut up and take it, slut.”

My stories

Sorority Sisters by Blood -- Complete
Reclamation -- Sequel Ongoing

Lien's Lesbian Submission -- Ongoing Spinoff

Binding Connections -- Complete

Strapon contest with consequences -- Unfinished

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