Thread: Fiction: Game Rule Enforcer
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Old 08-13-2017, 02:53 PM   #135
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Once the field said the rule changes for Tammy it took a 10 minute break of saying anything which resulted in Violet, Nicole, Tammy, Alia and Kati to have another orgasm. “Simon says, the game is over, the losers do not have their rules removed or have rules added” said the field as the tentacles pulled away from the pussies and vanished to which the girls then all fell to their knees and were utterly exhausted. Due to the rule change taking effect at this time the clothes of Amy, Samantha, Gene, Jean, Catherine and Chloe appeared next to each of them but they were all too exhausted to put them on causing each of the girls to still be naked in front of a lot of spectators. After resting for a little while longer the girls finally started to put their clothes on and then rested more. Half and hour later, while everyone was still exhausted the group got up and started to go to the nearest home which is Alia’s place.

As the group left the game area they stopped by a tattoo parlour to get an editable tattoo and the tools to get it edited, Charles purchased all of the tools and paid for the services as Amy got “Owned by Ian and Chloe & has to be milked daily” tattooed on her back after lifting her shirt. Samantha got “Owned by Chloe, Ian, Catherine, Alia and Lisa & has to stay neatly shaved & has to allow anyone to fuck & masturbate on cam daily and send to Kati” tattooed on her back after also lifting her shirt. Rose got “Owned by Chloe, Alia, Amy, Jesse, Violet, Tyler, Catherine, Colin, Tammy, Tracey, Tammy's siblings, Tracey's siblings and Alia’s siblings and everyone’s parents & Has to be naked at all times & stay neatly shaved & has to be milked daily & has to allow anyone to fuck” tattooed while Lisa got “Owned by Chloe and Alia & has to stay naked & neatly shaved & has to be milked daily” After each of them got their tattoos added Nicole went and got “Owned by Chloe, Lisa, Alia, Catherine and Ian & Naked at all times & neatly shaved & milked daily & has to allow anyone to fuck & can not disable fucking tasks until all other rules are disabled” tattooed on her back. Kati got “Owned by Chloe, Ian, Catherine, Alia and Janet & has to be naked & has to be milked daily & has to allow anyone to fuck & can not disable fucking tasks until all other rules are disabled & has to allow pets to fuck at any time & has to fuck an animal once a week in front of a body owner or on cam to post online” tattooed on her back. Next Alexis took place and got “Owned by Chloe, Ian, Alia, Jesse, Samantha, Rose, Nicole and Tyler & has to be naked & neatly shaved & milked daily & has to allow anyone to fuck & can not disable fucking tasks until all other rules are disabled” tattooed on her back. Janet got “Owned by Chloe, Ian, Catherine, Amy, Nicole, Samantha, Colin, Rose and Jesse & has to be naked & neatly shaved & milked daily & has to allow anyone to fuck & can not disable fucking tasks until all other rules are disabled & has to fuck Jeff once a week and tape for as long as younger than 17 and then send the video to Amy. Violet stepped up next and got “Owned by Lisa, Chloe, Ian, Catherine and Alia & has to be naked & has to be milked daily & has to allow anyone to fuck & can not disable fucking tasks until all other rules are disabled.” tattooed on her back. Lastly Tracey got up and got “Owned by Chloe, Catherine and Lisa & has to be naked & cleanly shaved & milked daily & has to allow anyone to fuck & can not disable fucking tasks until all other rules are disabled & has to fuck Harry once a week for as long as younger than 24”

After that the group started to go to Alia’s place while the naked girls all tried to cover up their body while being humiliated from being naked and covered in cum in public. As they arrived at Alia’s place the group was greeted by Alia’s 11 year old sister Lorena and her parents, her mom Susila and her dad Nogah. As her parents saw all the naked girls, including Alia, they started to scream at her and pulled her in another room while the group waited for them to stop yelling at her. While her parents were yelling at her Lorena read the rules that each of the girls has as a tattoo and found herself to be intrigued by the rules. After a while Alia came back with the group and said “Well, as long as I am on these rules I am not allowed in here, so we need to go somewhere else, can we go to another persons place and could I stay over at somebody’s house?” she said to which Ian said “Yea, you can stay at our place” to which Chloe agreed. The group then went to Samantha’s place and Lorena decided to follow them. As they arrived they quickly all went into Samantha’s room to which the girls then asked if they could take a shower. All the girls then took a shower one by one while those that were not in the shower were talking. Once all the girls were cleaned up they were also not as tired anymore and were casually talking but for the naked girls they were still covering up.

“How about we play another game where us girls can lose more rules?” said Catherine. “What do you have in mind?” replied Jean. “How about it is a game of chance, one versus one for each round, we each write something down for a rule we have, we then also write a number that is between 1 and 100 with it. Then person one guesses what person two wrote for rule and what number they wrote down, If the number that they guessed is more than ten off what person one said and they also have the rule wrong, then person one will get the rule added to their rules, if they guessed within ten numbers but got the rule wrong then the rule that person two wrote down will be removed, if they guess the number exactly the same and the rule wrong then it will also just be removed from person two, if they guessed the rule right and the number more than ten off, then person two will have their rule reduced but not removed. If they guess the rule and are within ten of the number then the rule will be removed from person two and if they guess both the number and the rule, then both players will get one rule removed.” said Catherine to which everyone started to think and then Ian said “We will accept this game if an addition is made, the addition will be if you guess completely wrong, then you will need to have something, either a dick or a toy, moving in and out of you until it is your turn again, if you have one wrong then you will get fondled until it is your turn again, this also happens when you have two wrong and lastly, with each rule that is changed you will need to get a picture taken without covering up and these pictures will be send to all of us.” The girls started to think more until the majority said “Deal” followed by Lorena saying “Can I join too?” making everyone surprised by this. “Uhm, okay, but you don’t have any rules” replied Alia. “That’s okay, I will let each of you choose one rule for me before we begin, but you can not tell each other what it is, so if there are doubles it only takes effect once.” said Lorena.

“Okay then” replied Alia as everyone started to write a rule down for Lorena. After Lorena started to read all the notes, not knowing who wrote what she said “Okay, so my rules are, first off to be naked” to which she then took her clothes off making her be the 12th girls that is naked at this time. “second I will also need the tattoo of the rules” to which she then allowed Charles to start to put rules on her back. She then read multiple notes after each other to which she then said “Okay, there were some duplicates in this, but I am owned by Colin, Catherine, Jesse, Violet, Alia, Tracey, Chloe, Lisa and Samantha and I also have to stay neatly shaved” Charles kept on writing on Lorena’s back for the rules as she kept on reading “I also have to have a vibrator inside me on max speed at all times to which she then took a vibrator, pushed it inside her tiny pussy and turned it on making her moan before saying “Tasks that involve fucking have to be disabled last and I also have to be milked daily and have cum dripping out of my pussy once a week” Lorena then stopped for a moment giving Charles time to write followed by “The last two things are that I have to be able to get pregnant and I have to fuck a random guy from my phone once a week for as long as I am younger than 14, the guy is decided by a random generator”
I am not looking for a slave / master.
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