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Old 06-19-2010, 01:43 AM   #1
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Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 27
Default Sleepover goes a little to far

Ok, i say this is fiction, its kinda exaggerated truth, some of this is true, some isnt

Ok, so hey, my names joe, and i was 14 at
the time this happened. I am straight, but a little bi-curious. I should explain that me and ross have been friends all our lives, but had never seen each other naked before...

Our story starts in the middle of july, his mum and dad were going to a concert and would be back about midnight, so i was staying over at his house. We were up playing Modern Warfare 2 until around 11.00, when we decided to go upstairs and Watch a film, ross had bunk beds, so we slept in them, me on top - him underneath. We had got changed and were now in pajamas, but turned the film off and decided to play truth or dare. This started rather boringly, mostly with truths, ie; who do you fancy, and typical stuff like that.

After a while, i was getting bored, and wanted to go further, so dared him tl remove his trousers, and leave them in the middle of the floor. He did this, but brought my attention to a vital flaw, i could not see anything, as we were in bunk beds. He then dared me to do the same, so i happily removed them. As it was his next dare, he was allowed to retrive his clothes, he did so lying on his back, so i only got to see a small area of his ass.

I needed a way to see some skin, so dared him to stick his dick out of the bed, it was dark, but i could still see the outline of his cock, and it was big. I wanted him to see me, and i wanted to see him, but i think he was reluctant for either to happen. It was about this time that his parents rang, they had both drunk a little more than they intended, and were staying the night in a hotel. Things were looking up for me...

This is only the very start, i was thinking of ditching this stuff, and going on to the exciting bit, but decided to include it to show how reluctant he was for anything to happen

also, how is the pacing in this story?
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