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Old 08-01-2017, 03:34 PM   #25
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Default Chapter9: Part 2 - Jennifer vs Tanya

Before you start reading this, sorry this took so long to write this section, and sorry its so long, my imagination got the better of me with this one.

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"Focus Gemma, stop staring at her ass!" Caroline said walking past her heading to the stage.

"I am focused, doesn't help with your constant comments, were you going to say anything earlier?"

"I wasn't, I didn't need to tell her what was on our card, it was always going to be that she gave a wrong answer. I knew from the look on her face when you two were talking she wouldn't say anything."

"If you say so, anyway, this is going to be good this game, pain for the boys and girls stripping, I can barely contain myself." Gemma proclaimed.

Half of the teams were back behind their podiums, including Laura and Sasha who were back in place, both still wearing their blue bikini tops with holes in and their nipples poking through. Neither seemed too bothered, they both had just had an orgasm in front of the audience, a massive wet one in Sasha's case.

"Welcome back, we're almost ready for round 2", Gemma started this section off to camera, "lets hope that this round is as exciting as the last one. This round is between Jenifer and Tanya, lets bring them out here."

The audience gave another massive round of applause as the two girls walked on together towards Gemma in the centre of the stage. Both where wearing the clothing they had on for the entire show, Jennifer was still wet, although she had started to dry up, the ice bath at the start of the show was still showing its effects. Her clothes still stuck to her, her tight jeans seemed to have shrunk a little, he white blouse was now tied in a bow, exposing her tight vest top, which was showing her bra through. Tanya had a tight green dress on, so tight that every inch of her curves where showing.

"Ok girls, we need to make things even between you, you need to be wearing the same amount of clothing. Forgetting your panties, because you can keep them on, how many items of clothing do you have on, starting with you Tanya?" Gemma asked the girls.

"4 Gemma, my dress, my tights, my shoes and my bra."

"And what a lovely dress it is, how about you Jennifer?"

"Jeans, vest, bra, blouse, shoes, socks. 6 I guess."

"Well I tell you what, lets even it up, Jennifer, lets have your blouse off, and Tanya can put it on. That's 5 items each."

Jennifer removed the damp white blouse and helped Tanya put it on, it was far too big for Tanya, but she knew it wasn't a fashion show, she rolled up the sleeves and just as Jennifer had she tied it in a knot just under her boobs. Caroline started talking.

"So, now the girls are ready, lets bring on the boys, our buzzers for this round."

The boys where brought on restrained to a table, unable to move, both wearing only their underwear, James in a pair of blue cotton boxers and Mo in a pair of white Y fronts.

"Ladies, you will answer questions, just like in round 1, if you get a question correct, your opponent will remove 1 item of clothing. If you get a question wrong you will have a bucket of gunge poured over you. The loser is the first girl, to be stripped down to her panties, and to lose 1 more point, so would be naked, but we aren't going that far, yet." Gemma explained.

"And you boys, as we said you are the buzzers, your job, is to simply lie still and react, the girls will run over to your table when they think they know answer, they buzz in by removing one of these wax strips." Caroline said, as the producers attached strips to the chest, arm and leg hair of the boys.

The boys where placed on either side of the studio, the two girls in the centre, they had to run over to their boys on the table when ready.

The studio was filled with the screams of the boys as the girls ran to pull of strip after strip, often being very close and both having hair removed almost at the same time as the girls could not see if the other girl had made it first.

After a couple questions getting the questions correct, the girls will slowly being stripped, Jennifer was down to her vest, her bra and her jeans, while Tanya still had on her dress and her underwear. Tanya was first to Mo on the next question, ripping a strip of his left thigh, although half a second later, Jennifer had ripped one of James' chest. Tanya was correct. As Jennifer took off her vest, Caroline noticed something.

"Jennifer, am I correct, we have seen that underwear somewhere already tonight haven't we?"

"Yes we have Caroline." Gemma interrupted before Jennifer could say anything, "Lets see that photo of James again?"

It was the same bra that James was wearing in the photo. Jennifer knew this would happen, and she was loving it, happy to pose and show of her bra, and her tight body.

The next question Jennifer was quickest to pull off a strip, ripping one off James's chest again, at this rate, he would be completely bare, which could be a nice change. But she got the question wrong. She barely had time to realise she had the wrong answer, she had a bucket of cold red gunge poured over her head which filled her cleavage and ran down her 6 pack and she could feel it settle on the waist of her jeans.

The next question she was fastest again, getting this one correct, meaning that Tanya was to remove her tight green dress. She asked Caroline to help her with the zip, which ran down to the top of her bottom, Caroline gave her a little spank once she had unzipped the dress. This made Tanya smile as she lowered the dress to expose a matching purple bra and French panties set, which she gave the audience a full view of as she spun round twice, bent over and picked up her dress.

Tanya was loving the attention, it almost made her run faster because she knew everyone would be staring at her jiggling her way towards Mo. Her boobs were a lot larger than Jennifer's, her body was not as toned either, but she was not overweight either. She used the adrenaline of being in her underwear in front of an audience and was fastest this time, and correct. The meant Jennifer was now removing her jeans, both girls were now in just their underwear, standing back to back, with their two boys lying on a table in pain. This was a nice change for Tanya, who was usually received pain from Mo.

"Jennifer, your ass is amazing, and don't even start me on the rest of your body. You look so hot covered in gunge." Tanya said, knowing that she might get heard by the microphones, but she didn't care.

"Thank you, your boobs look amazing, they need a gunge coating I think." Jennifer replied

Gemma read out the next question, before she had even finished it, Tanya had ran over and pulled a strip off Mo, accidentally grabbing 2 strips with one hand, pulling them both off. His scream filled the room, only to be drowned out by the laughter from the studio audience. Tanya was wrong, she apologised to Mo and walked back towards the centre mark, only to have a bucket of lime green gunge poured over her head, running down her face and over her boobs, due to her figure, it coated her boobs and dropped off to the floor, some ran down her back and settled on the top of her ass.

"You did that on purpose didn't you Tanya?" Jennifer asked.

"Well, do you like my boobs gunge coated? either way we are even now, 2 more right answers and one of us win." Tanya said with a smile on her face.

Both girls were ready, and the next race, won by Jennifer and she was correct, meaning that Tanya had to fully expose her breasts. She barely flinched as she did it, seeming exposing them with pleasure.

Tanya won the next race, and was also correct, she jumped up and down with glee knowing that she would be able to see Jenifer's breasts. Jennifer was not as keen on taking her bra off as Tanya was, either way she thought she had the better body.

Both girls now just in their panties, both having had a bucket of gunge poured over them were ready, as Gemma started to read the question Jennifer slipped on some gunge, that left Tanya and easy run to Mo, she ripped off a strip thinking she had this in the bag.

"The answer is...." she paused, "erm, the answer is....."

Her mind had gone blank, and a buzzer sounded, she ran out of time, which counted as a loss, she gasped as another bucket of blue gunge was poured over her, fully coating her breasts it must have been a bigger bucket, as he whole body was covered. Jennifer was smiling, her she thought that Tanya's boobs did look amazing now.

The next question was Tanya's turn to slip, due to all that extra gunge she had just had poured on her. Jennifer carefully stepped over to the table, gave James a kiss on the lips, apologised, grabbed 2 strips with one hand, the last 2 strips on his inner left thigh, pulled with all her might and they pulled off all his hair.

"Hahahahaha, I do like this part of the game, oh, the answer is Mexico." Jennifer said jumping up and down clapping her hands.

"Yes that's correct, well done Jennifer you win, 2 more points to your team." Gemma said.

Caroline walked over to Tanya, and told her she had 1 more chance to win a consolation point for her team.

"All you have to do, is dance to our musical act, you will be dancing with James." James, who by now had been untied from the table, was in pain from the waxing looked shocked.

James was led over a chair, where his hands where restrained behind him. the chair was on the right hand side of the stage, but fully visible to the whole audience.

"James, all you have to do, is sit and relax, easy enough to do right?" Caroline asked him.

"Er, yes, I think so, what's the catch?" He replied.

"Well, Tanya is going to dance on you, give you a lap dance if that's the correct term. She can do anything she wants dancing in front or on you, with one simple goal, after the song, we will check your pants, if you're erect, she wins a point. If your not then you win 2 points, and she loses her panties. Sound good?" Caroline said, not allowing either time to object as she looked over to James' girlfriend Jennifer.

"Now here is our special musical guest, performing her new song with special backing dancer Tanya, please welcome Sofia Velazquez with her new song, Fame." Gemma announced, pointing towards the centre of the stage, where fro behind the two teams, she appeared.

Sofia was South American, With beautiful olive skin and bleached blonde hair. she was wearing her usual clothing she performed in, tight white shorts which were only just long enough to cover her buttocks and a white vest top. The top may has well of been a bikini top, it clung to her breasts, and had a cut out on the front from just below her breasts, exposing the 6 pack abs she obviously worked on every single day.

As she began to sing, complete with a stage full of 8 female backing dancers, all dancing seductively, James was trying not to focus on any of the girls, he was actually trying to avoid looking at anyone. Tanya on the other hand was nervous, she didn't know what to do, she knew she didn't want to end up naked, but she was staring at this guy, with his girlfriend 10 feet away. She looked over at Jennifer who was laughing and smiling, nodding in approval towards Tanya, telling her to go for it.

As she started, her boobs still covered in gunge where rubbing all over James' body. but she was still nervous, not really knowing if she was doing a good job or not. As she started to lose herself in the song, she felt some hands on her shoulders, pulling her back and turning her around. She panicked as she thought maybe it was Jennifer and she didn't like what she was watching. To her amazement it was Sofia, who placed both hands on her face, and gave her a long, tender kiss. the sort of kiss that you give a lover wanting to get them turned on and to a stage where they are willing to do anything.

"Now, turn around, tell him how wet you are from this kiss, climb on top of him so his face is directly under your breast, rest them on the top of his head, and show him what's in your panties." Sofia whispered in Tanya's ear, "put two fingers down there, then rub them on his face, even if your not wet, there is enough gunge to make it seem like you are. Grind your ass on him, and I'll come back over to help you."

Tanya was totally in shock, but she did as asked, she turned around, walked towards James, mounted him, and as she climbed his body, whispered in his ear, 'did you like that kiss, i loved it, let me show you have much'. She rested her breasts on his head, pulled her panties to one side and scooped up a load of gunge with two fingers and wiped it on his face. She came back down to meet him face to face, gave him a kiss on that same cheek, and as she settled, felt the massive bulge in his pants.

As she turned around to start grinding her ass on his bulge, she sat back and Sofia appeared in front of her, also mounted James, and gave Tanya another massive kiss, grabbing her breasts all while sat on top of James. The song ended and as Both girls stood up, Caroline showed up, ushering the two girls way, and plunging her right hand into James' pants.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I can confirm we have an erection."

The audience and everyone on stage cheered. Caroline was only adding to the erection, James could see straight down her blouse from the angle he was sat, he could see she had no bra on, this was something which everyone had already noticed as it had been pretty cold in the studio. Her rock hard brown nipples were very noticeable next to her white blouse, especially as her fake tan stopped before reaching her nipples.

"I know what your looking at James, and I won't be letting go until I have finished this announcement." She whispered in his ear moving the microphone away from her mouth, before returning it and continuing. "So the score is now 4-1, all those points will count towards the final round. Remember, the more points your team has, the less you have to endure during the final round. After the break, Leah and Toni play off against each with the help of the boys once more for another 2 points and a whole lot of pain. But for now, lets thank Sofia Velazquez, see you all after the break."

As the audience cheered, she turned to James who was still staring down her top, looked over his shoulder to catch the eye of Jennifer his girlfriend and whispered in his ear, 'I hope that's not pre-cum, what would your girlfriend think? and you need your strength for the next round. Trust me.'

As soon as the director shouted cut, she let go of his hand and walked away, meeting Gemma at the side of the stage bursting into laughter before disappearing into the back stage area.

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