Thread: Fiction: Game Rule Enforcer
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Old 08-01-2017, 12:08 PM   #124
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Originally Posted by Kinkygdom View Post
I was wondering how much longer this story will be, I hope it never ends
It does have an end, with the file where I wrote everything in, I am currently ( with today's post ) at page 191 out of 232. So it is getting somewhat close to the end, either way, here is today's part

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The group drew their straws and then saw that Gene is paired with Kati, Alexis is paired with Nicole, Samantha is paired with Jesse, Amy is paired with Ian, Colin is paired with Rose and Lisa is paired with Janet. “Okay, everyone take a paper from the bag” said Amy making everyone take a paper and then go to their partner. “Group one, what is your task?” “We have to do a lap around the house” said Jesse. “Okay then, three two one go” said Amy as she pressed a timer start. Both Jesse and Samantha started to run, as they were both running around the house Amy asked. “Group two, what do you need to do?” “We have to roll two die and with those two die have to manage to get the number 8” said Lisa. Amy grabbed another stop watch and pressed start. Both Lisa and Janet rolled the dice, the first one was 1 and 3. “No luck, roll again” said Amy to which they both rolled again. “3 and 3, nope, again” said Amy. The next roll they managed to get 4 and 4. “Okay, so that is 34 seconds, so you two might be a winner so far. A short while later both Jesse and Samantha ran back into the room. “Okay, a minute and 49 seconds” said Amy. “Group 3, what do you two need to do?” “We have to do ten jumping jacks” said Nicole. “Three two one go” said Amy as both Nicole and Alexis already got the ropes. 14 seconds later they were both done. “Nicely done, so far you two would be winner and Lisa and Janet are second” said Amy. “Next up, group 4, what is your task?” “We have to do 20 handstands and each handstand has to last a minimum of 5 seconds, so no matter what, we are losing so far” said Rose somewhat annoyed. Both Colin and Rose then started their handstands while Amy said “Group 5, my group, has to do 20 pushups” Amy then handed the stopwatch to Lisa. Both Amy and Ian then started to do their pushups, 23 seconds later they were both done. “Okay, Colin and Rose are still doing their task, Group 6, what is your task?” asked Amy. “We have to draw portraits of each other” said Gene. “Okay, begin” said Amy to which Gene and Kati started to draw. Shortly after Colin and Rose were done with their handstands at 1 minute 52 seconds. A little while later Gene and Kati were done with the portraits. “Those look terrible, but oh well, good enough, either way, you were at 2 minutes and a little so you two lost” said Amy.

“Okay, so the first round, Group 3 won and group 5 is in second place while group 6 lost, let’s get the chips set up for that” said Amy to which the chips were exchanged. “Let’s put the papers back and then draw again” said Amy. After everyone drew their papers Jesse instantly said “Okay, we have to do 10 sit-ups” followed by Janet saying “And we have to run around the house, that will be annoying with this plug inside me” Both groups started their task. Lisa and Janet both tried to run around the house being completely naked with Janet having a plug inside her ass and Lisa having her hands handcuffed and legs spread by a spreader bar. “Well, Jesse and Sam were done in 9 seconds, it will be hard to beat that” said Amy as she looked at Nicole and Alexis. “We have to roll die and get 8” said Alexis. “Okay then, go ahead and do that while Colin and Rose also tell us what they have to do” replied Amy. “We have to move 5 balls from one side of the room to the other without the use of our hands” said Colin. “Okay, begin” said Amy. Moment later Nicole and Alexis got the 8 with their die at 42 seconds in. It took Colin and Rose a minute and 3 seconds to move all 5 balls. “Okay, Me or Ian have to give a piggyback ride to the other person around the house but still inside” said Amy handing the stopwatch to Samantha. “start the time” she said as she jumped on Ian’s back. A minute and 45 seconds later they were done while Lisa only just now entered the room again from the run around the house at 6 minutes and 23 seconds. “Last group, what do you need to do?” asked Amy. “ten push ups” said Gene. Both Gene and Kati started their pushups and were done at 11 seconds time.

“Okay, this round Group 1 won, Group 6 second place and group 2 lost” said Amy. “Let’s start the next round” she added as everyone grabbed their next paper. “Rolling dice” said Jesse followed by Lisa saying “fuck, 20 handstands of 5 seconds each, pretty sure we lost again, and I can‘t do handstands with these handcuffs so you have to do them all Janet” Both groups started their turns while Nicole and Alexis looked at their paper. “20 pushups is not too bad” said Alexis. “We have to run around the house, let’s go Rose” said Colin who started to run followed by a naked Rose also running a lap around the house. “We have to do 20 sit-ups Amy, so let’s start that” said Ian. Gene and Kati both waited until Colin and Rose were back, around the same time Nicole and Alexis were done with their pushups and Ian and Amy were done with their sit-ups while Janet was still doing handstands and Jesse and Samantha are having the worst luck and still did not get 8 in total. “We have to do jumping jacks, ten of them” said Kati much to Colin’s, Ian’s and Jesse’s delight. Both Gene and Kati started to do their jumping jacks making their boobs bounce up and down for all to see. A little while later they were done followed by Jesse finally getting 8 in total. “Crap, that was so close, Janet is on the last handstand” said Lisa. “Okay, so the losers are Lisa and Janet again, they get to take a paper from the other bag and get a rule added while Gene and Kati were the fastest followed by a one second difference from Ian and Amy.

“Okay, fine, let us decide who gets the rule added first” said Janet taking Lisa to the side. A little later they both came back. “Okay, I will take the rule” said Janet right before they took a paper out of the bag. “Owned by one extra player” said Janet as she read the note. “Okay, so for that you can choose somebody that does not own you yet to own you” said Amy. Janet sighed and then said “Gene” “Okay then, let’s get to the next round, shall we?” said Amy. “Before we do, since we haven’t seen any yet, are there any sexual tasks in that bag?” asked Colin. “No, there are not yet, later on there will be but not yet” replied Amy. “How about we put them in now?” said Rose. “There is a reason why they are not but if the majority wants them in already then we can” replied Amy followed by looking at everyone. After everyone voted Amy said “Well, it’s a draw for in and not in due to undecided people, let’s flip a coin and then decide that way, tail is in, heads is not in” said Amy right as she flipped a coin. Everyone looked at the coin as it landed on the ground and spun around a little. “Tails” said Amy as everyone could see. “Okay, so the sexual stuff will be put in” said Amy as she grabbed a small box and dumped them in the bag with tasks.
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