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Old 07-30-2017, 12:56 PM   #14
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 339
Blog Entries: 15

[1. Would you rather have sex with someone you like but you have to break all your hard limits with him OR have forced sex with a stranger or someone you don't like but you get to experience only your likes while using the coolest sex toys?
Forced sex with a stranger or someone I don't like. Experiencing on my likes and coolest sex toys is a hell of a lot better than breaking ALL of my limies.

2. Would you rather have unprotected sex whenever you want OR protected sex but only once a year?
Unprotected sex whenever I want. I have no fear of making another guy pregnant.

3. Would you rather spend your whole life masturbating while being able to orgasm whenever you want OR having sex whenever you want without being able to orgasm until the end of your life?
I guess masturbating and being able to orgasm whenever I like? I enjoy pleasing and serving others, but I have my own needs, too.

4. Would you rather have rough protected sex until you pass out OR the best sex of your life without using protection?
This sounds similar to a previous question... And somehow, I imagine that both of these choices are very similar... Who's to say that the rough, protected sex won't be the best sex of my life? As it is, I suppose without that guarantee I would have to choose the best sex of my life without protection.

5. Would you rather have sex with someone that likes you but you don't like him back OR with someone that you like but doesn't like you back?
Someone that likes me but I don't like him back. As I prefer to be fucked, I imagine that he would do a very good job and try to make me feel as good as possible. I may not enjoy it as much as someone who I do like, but at least he's trying.

6. Would you rather be the best sex partner for someone that you like but he is the worst in bed OR be the worst in bed while having the best sex partner?
I... I don't even get this question. I guess be the worst in bed while having the best sex partner? How literally should I take this? If we have sex not in the bed will it be fine?

7. Would you rather break one of your hard limits for a week OR be a sex slave for two hours to someone you don't know and do everything they please?
Definitely be a sex slave for two hours. My hard limits are hard limits for a reason. And two hours is surely better than a whole week.

8. Would you rather be penetrated by a stranger's dick while being blindfolded OR let him use any toys on you, even the ones that violate your limits?
Penetrated by a stranger's dick while being blindfolded.

9. Would you rather sleep with a vibrator inside your pussy (for girls) or ass (for guys) OR have your pussy/ass filled with a lot of cum?
Damn, both of these sound amazing! So I have to choose between two excellent choices... Well, I've always wanted to have a full sex dream, so I would imagine sleeping with the vibrator in my ass would be much more fun.

10. Would you rather have sex with someone you don't know but seems okay OR with someone you know but you don't like?
Someone I don't know but seems okay. I like surprises when it comes to sex, and if I don't know them then maybe I can have fun without knowing exactly what they will do.
Kitty is androgynous and answers to masculine and feminine pronouns.

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