Thread: Fiction: Game Rule Enforcer
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Old 07-29-2017, 02:01 PM   #119
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Originally Posted by Sydney_sub View Post
Loving this story. Thanks heaps for the new chapters.
No problem, here is the next one and I made it a long one.

__________________________________________________ ___

Jean left the room and Kati entered. “Okay Kati, I want you to give up the ownership you have on Amy and Janet as one option and then you will pick two from this bag” said Rose. Kati grabbed “Nude selfie daily” and “only panties” “Okay, so you will send a nude selfie to us all daily and when in public only wear panties or less” said Rose. “So in other words I am nude all the time as Colin followed a command and took every bra and all my panties away” “Oh, I did not know that” “It’s okay, I will follow the rule” said Kati before leaving the room and sending in Colin. “Okay Colin, you will give up ownership of Amy and Janet and then pick three papers from the bag” said Rose. Colin picked “nude selfie to group daily”, “video calls nude” and “nude”. “Okay, so you will be naked when you are at your own or one of the group’s places and do a nude selfie to us all daily and do any video call nude, send in Alexis.

“Okay, Alexis, as you were so nice to give me 13 things, first I will get you to give up the ownership of Janet and you will be owned by Colin” “Done”. “Next I want you to pick five papers from this bag.” Alexis went to the bag and picked “only panties” “no more panties/bra”, “Nude”, “fuck x guys” and “nude selfie”. “Hmmm, okay, the nude selfie to the group will take effect, for the fuck x guys, please roll a dice” said Rose to which Alexis rolled a die which stopped on 4. “Okay, so you will also fuck four different guys and let them cum in you, as for the other ones, you will be nude at all times but please pick two more for the two that overlap” Alexis went to pick two more without hesitation. “topless” and “only bra/panties” “Okay, because of that I will change it to you have to let anyone touch and fuck you, you don’t have to tell them they can but when they do you can’t stop them.” Alexis nodded and then asked “What are the remaining 6 things I have to do?” “Well, I have the ability to call upon you to do chores, six chores in total, one for each one” “Okay” said Alexis before leaving the room. Next Gene entered the room.

“Gene, since you do not have anyone as property you can draw four papers out of this bag.” said Rose. Gene drew “Nude home”, “ownership to x people”, “only panties anywhere” and “Let anyone touch while fully nude”. Gene looked at Rose and asked “What exactly do these things involve?” “Well, first you should roll a dice” Gene rolled a die which stopped on 5. “Okay, so here it is, when you are at your house or the house of anyone that is in this game you will be naked” “Oh, that was already the case” replied Gene “Oh, right, then you should pick another paper from the bag” said Rose to which Gene pulled another paper which said “milked”. “Ok, so to restart the explanation, you were already supposed to be naked at home, that still stays the same, you will only be allowed to wear panties when you are not at home, nothing more, you will choose 5 people to get ownership of your body, when you are completely naked you will allow anybody to touch you anywhere and lastly, your boobs will be sucked by a machine while you are being fucked by a guy or machine for one hour daily.” “Oh, I see” replied Gene very nervously. “Who do you pick to own you?” asked Rose. “I don’t know so I will just pick five names from a bag” said Gene. Gene then went to a bag with the names of everyone in it and picked five names. “Ian”, “Samantha”, “Jesse”, “Colin” and “Amy” are the names that Gene picked. “Now that that is done, send in Janet”

A few moments later Janet entered the room. “Okay Janet, give up the ownership of Amy and then pull 4 papers out of this bag” said Rose. Janet pulled out “Bottomless anywhere”, “Ownership to x people”, “Topless anywhere” and “normal clothing”. “Well, three of these don’t work together, so let’s re-pick those and also roll a dice.” Janet rolled a 1 and then picked “topless anywhere”, “milked” and “nude selfie daily”. Rose explained what they mean and then told Janet to send in Nicole after Janet chose to give ownership of her body to anyone of Rose‘s choosing which ended up being Colin. When Nicole entered the room she looked at Rose and awaited instructions. “Okay, Pick one paper from this bag” said Rose. Nicole picked a paper from the bag and read “Only bra and panties at homes” to which Rose explained that from now on Nicole is only allowed to wear bra and panties when she is at her own or any of the groups homes. After this Rose and Nicole both left the room.

“Since you have all been so nice, I will also give one of you a gift, the first person to guess what I have written down on this paper will not have to do any of the tasks anymore and instead I will take them all over, including ownership of the body, if there is no ownership of the body then I will roll a die and pick the amount of names from a bag” said Rose. After multiple guesses Colin finally guessed “Nude” to which Rose said “Congrats to Colin, so now, I will say what everyone has as tasks for the near future.” said Rose. “Before we do that, As I mentioned, I will say what those pills were” said Lisa “The pills that the girls took is the anti-pregnancy antidote, so now each of us could get pregnant, including myself, and yes, we will all still do the same as before just like Kati has been doing as she already had that a few days ago, as for the pills that the guys took, it is pills that will make you desire to fuck one of us more and will make your sperm more potent, so to those who own one or more than one of us, use it and fuck us whenever you want, cum inside us too” “That is what those were? You’re nuts!” replied Harry followed by most of the girls sighing and Rose saying “Okay then, guess we can all become pregnant, but yes, as Lisa said, nothing changes since Kati was already doing that, still cum inside us and fuck us when you want, if you have permission due to tasks, as for these tasks, lets start with Amy.” Rose smiled. “Amy has to be naked at any time, public or not, she has to stay neatly shaved and her body is owned by Jesse, Sam, Lisa, myself, and Nicole while she also has to fuck four different guys that cum inside her pussy and just like with Kati has to have pictures taken from during and after the fucking. On top of that she also has to help Jesse get rid of his morning wood every day and record herself fingering daily and send that to Charles” continued Rose. “Next Lisa is not owned by anyone anymore but does not have any panties or bra anymore while she will also be nude when at her own or any of our places plus she has to fuck every guy from this group until they have cummed inside her pussy.” to which Lisa nodded. “Since I am not owned anymore, the things will be for one month to make it fair, as normally I could end them now, except for the fucking, but I will be nice and for the next month will not wear any panties or bra and I will be naked when we are at any of our places.” replied Lisa. “Kati is next, she will have that bracelet on at any time which can be controlled by some of us to make her feel things, she also still has to fuck one guy and take a picture during and after the fucking, Kati also has to be naked at any time and send us all a nude selfie each day while for a whole year she will also have to be ‘milked’.” said Rose. “On top of that her body is also owned by her brother and Amy and she has to masturbate on cam and send it to Jesse each day.

“Alexis has to be naked anywhere and allow anyone to touch and fuck her at any place, including complete strangers, but she does not have to tell them they can, she also has to send us all a nude selfie each day and fuck four different guys, same rules as with Kati and Amy. On top of this her body is owned by Ian, Colin and Amy while she also has to do 6 chores for me that I can call her for.” said Rose taking a small breather and then continuing “Janet has to do her next video call completely naked, she is never allowed to wear bra or panties and has to send a short video of herself being topless or bottomless to Amy daily while also sending each of us a nude selfie each day. Janet also has to be topless anywhere and completely naked when at any of our places plus has to be ‘milked’ daily just like Kati while she also has her body owned by Amy, Sam, Lisa, myself, Nicole and Colin. Lastly, she has to fuck Jeff once a week and tape it for as long as she is younger than 17, she then has to send that video to Amy”

“Next up is Gene, Gene has to be nude when at any of our places and in nothing but panties anywhere else, she has to allow anyone to touch her when she is naked and has to be ‘milked’ as well, she also is owned by Ian, Sam, Jesse, Colin and Amy.” said Rose “Next up, Tyler, he has to send us all a nude selfie daily and is only allowed to wear underwear when at any of our places” smiled Rose “Next, Harry, Harry only has one task which is to wear nothing but underwear when at our places, after Harry is Jesse, he has to do any video call completely nude and nothing else while Jean has to be nude when at any of our places and only wear a bra when anywhere else while she also has to do any video call nude and send us all a nude selfie each day, on top of that she also has to be ‘milked’ and has to fuck five guys, same rules as with Kati” continued Rose. “I have to be nude when at any of our places, have to do any video call completely naked and have to send us all a nude selfie each day, on top of that I am also owned by four people, the people that I choose to own me are” said Rose as she reached for the bag with names. “Jesse”, “Lisa”, “Amy” and “Colin”. “There we go, all the names picked and then lastly, Nicole has to be in nothing but panties and bra when she is at any of our places, she has no other tasks and everyone that has not been mentioned also has no tasks” completed Rose.

“So you’re telling me that I will have three naked sisters walking around at my house and I can fuck them whenever I want, that’s pretty cool” said Colin making Kati, Alexis and Gene glare at him.”Let’s try it out, sis, come sit on my lap with my cock inside you” said Colin causing Kati and Alexis to walk to Colin and let out a sigh. “Not you two, Gene, I was talking to you” added Colin making Gene feel annoyed as she walked to him. Gene positioned herself above his cock and lowered down on it making it slide inside her. As Gene sat on Colin’s cock she felt embarrassed when he suddenly started to fondle her breasts. “Gene, move up and down already” said Colin followed by “So, what will we do now” while Gene started to push herself up and then let herself down again making Colin’s cock slide in and out of her. “How about we play another game. We make some papers with numbers on it and each pick a number, the person with number one on it will guess the number of another person of their choice, if they are right then they can either give one part of their rules to the other person or make one adjustment to the other persons rules however, if they lose then it is the other way around” said Alexis “Okay, sounds good, but with one part, what exactly do you mean?” Replied Rose. “Well, for example, currently I have to allow anyone to touch and fuck me, if I win then I can change that to no more fucking but still touching or not everyone but just the group and if I win again I can change it again by one piece” “Oh okay, yea, let’s play it” said Rose before writing down numbers on papers and putting them in a bag. Rose then went around and let everyone take a paper with herself being the last.

“So, who has number one?” asked Rose. “I do” replied Lisa “I choose to guess Alexis’ number and I will say it is 12” Alexis opened her paper to the group showing it is 11 “Hmm, so that means I can either make one adjustment to Lisa’s rules or give one part of mine to her.” “Right” replied Lisa “Okay, then I choose that not everyone is able to fuck me anymore, so as I said, now it is just everyone from this group that are allowed to” said Alexis. “Okay, all papers back in the bag and draw again” she added. After everyone drew the numbers Alexis said “I have one, so I choose to guess Nicole’s number and I guess it to be 7” “Wait, before I show you my number, this is really just luck, wouldn’t it be better if there was a little bit of a skill to it?” asked Nicole “Okay, what do you suggest?” asked Alexis “Well, let’s say this, you still have to guess of one person but you can request to see the number of two others and then the person who’s number you are guessing has to say if their number is lower or higher that the other two” “Okay, sounds good to me, what does everyone else think?” replied Alexis. Everyone replied that they are fine with that. “So the guess you made does not count yet, ask two people to see their number” said Nicole. “Okay, Lisa and Rose, I choose to see your numbers” replied Alexis. Lisa showed her number to be 15 while Rose showed her to be 10. “Okay, lower than Lisa but higher than Rose” replied Nicole to which Alexis replied “11” “Nope, still wrong, it was 14” said Nicole. “Okay, so I can’t give anything to you so I choose to change mine from panties and bra while in each of our places to have that at only bra and panties when I am in any of our places except for my own place” “Okay” replied everyone.

Next Amy got the number one and asked to see Lisa’s and Alexis’ numbers after saying she will guess Jean‘s number. “lower than both of them” said Jean when Lisa showed the number 10 and Alexis showed the number 16. “Okay, I choose to guess 5” said Amy. “Wrong, so Amy, you will get milked instead of me” “Okay” said Amy to which everyone pulled another number. Janet got one and wants to guess Gene’s number after looking at Jeff’s number which is 13 and Jean’s number which is 8. “less than Jeff but more than Jean” said Gene while still fucking Colin to which Janet replied “12” “Wrong, so I choose for Janet to wear only panties when in public” “But I am not allowed to wear panties or bra” replied Janet. “Oh, right, so you will be completely nude at all times then” The next round is Kati guessing Rose’s number after looking at Lisa’s number and Jeff’s number which were 12 and 13 and both higher than Rose‘s number. Kati guessed 9 but Rose had the number 5. “Okay, Kati, Jesse now owns your body” said Rose to which Kati nodded and sighed. Next Rose had to guess and she chose to guess Amy’s number but also guessed wrong. “Okay, Rose you will have to get milked instead of me” said Amy to which Rose nodded and everyone started the next round. Amy has to guess and she chose to guess Harry’s number but just like everyone so far she also guessed wrong. “Okay, I will give you mine of only wearing underwear at any of our places but since you already have to be naked at all times I will change that to you need to have an anal plug inside you each time you are at any of our places.” said Harry to which Amy nodded followed by putting a plug inside of her.
I am not looking for a slave / master.
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