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Old 07-29-2017, 11:05 AM   #1
A Butterfly Princess <3
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Default When a Worm Visits a Butterfly

**Jaroface and I wrote this story together. The parts in pink are from my perspective, and the parts in blue, are from his**

Sunday August 11, 2019

5:00 am

My phone buzzes and wakes me up. Normally I would ignore it and turn over to go back to sleep, but this time I am instantly awake. Just as I suspected, I look over at my phone and there is a message from my worm “Miss Butterfly, I am boarded on the plane and will be taking off very soon. See you in 10 hours”.

Eeeps! This is really happening!

We have been planning this trip for almost a year now and it is finally happening. In 10 hours I will be meeting my pet in person for the first time.

I roll over and try to get a few more hours sleep.

As my plane reaches cruising altitude I start thinking about this trip we have been planning for so long. Going to Canada, meeting my Miss for the first time. I am terribly excited but also very nervous.

What is going to happen? What predicaments does she have in store for me? I check my crotch again to make sure there aren’t any spots coming through. I am pretty horny already thinking about this all and the sheer, red thong panties I am wearing aren’t doing much to absorb any pre-cum. I am already worried some of it is leaking through.

Miss had told me I was allowed only to bring thong panties with me and only one set of clothing. I was also to bring all of my anal toys and all of them in my carry on luggage! I was so nervous when I went to have my carry on scanned. Surely they must have seen that giant dildo on the x-ray!? Thank God I didn’t have to take anything out!

I got hard again thinking it has been a month now since I last came and without any ruins either. Surely Miss would let me cum in Canada? I had no way of knowing. She had been teasing me about locking my worm cock up immediately upon arrival and not releasing me until I left, and perhaps not even then. This thought both scared me and turned me on so much! I have never been locked up before. I can only imagine the frustration….But surely Miss wouldn't actually lock my cock in chastity. She's only teasing me. She's way too nice for that, I'm sure she would never do that!

Miss would have to go to work for only 3 days this week and she hinted that I might need to accompany her one of those days. I wonder what she would have me do on the other days? I am sure it would be something, Miss doesn’t like it when her worm is bored. Miss told me how she had been looking forward to an entire week of total relaxation and not having to do anything. I had told her how I would do anything for her to make this week as enjoyable as possible. I sure hoped I would not disappoint.

9:00 am

I must have been able to fall back asleep because I wake up a few hours later to a cat laying on my chest, nudging my face with her nose. “Spaghetti! Leave me alone”. I reach over to see if my husband is still in the bed and it is empty. I guess I should get up. Lots still to do before I head to the airport in, I check my watch, 6 hours.

First things first, I walk into the guest room. I want to make sure it is all made up. There are fresh sheets and towels and I had cleared space in the dresser for his clothes and toys. Although, my worm was going to have to earn the privilege of using this room. He is a worm after all. I also make sure that the new toys I bought are all ready. Some of them we had discussed, and others were going to be a complete surprise.

Next I go into the living room and check that the cage I had set up was positioned the way I wanted it. I wanted him to see it as soon as he entered our apartment. I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face.

I glanced around the room to make sure everything was where it was supposed to be. There was nothing left to do other than to give my worm his instructions. I turned on my computer and started to type …

Hello my Worm,

I hope your flight went smoothly.

Before heading to our meeting place, I would like you to go to a bathroom stall and insert your plug. You can edge yourself for me and then tuck your little worm cock back into those lacey panties. You will not use the bathroom while you are there. I hope you went on the plane, because it may be awhile before you have earned the privilege to use the toilet.

You can let me know you have landed by sending me a picture of your hard cock in the bathroom.

See you soon my worm!
3:00 pm

After 10 hours of boredom and horniness - I never can sleep on a plane - we finally touch down at Calgary International Airport. I am in Canada for the first time in my life. I do love to travel and visit new places. I hope Miss would allow some time for us to explore the country a bit.

As we wait for the doors to open I check for a signal on my phone. Yay! I got it, and 4G even. My phone dings to notify me of a new mail, it is from Miss Butterfly. “Shit!”, I utter. My last pee was a few hours ago. I don’t have to go now but still, that is a bit worrying.

I exited the plane and cleared customs. I had no baggage save for my carry on and nothing to declare. It all went fast and smoothly and thus, I am in Canada! Yay!

I look for the nearest bathroom. I am always prudent to follow up on Miss’ instructions as soon as possible. There! I entered the stall, pulled down my pants and removed my dripping cock from the minimal fabric that was holding it. I started to stroke and get it hard. It didn’t take too long before I reached an edge. I stopped just in time. I am always so nervous to edge because I ruin so much. For that reason, this past month Miss had allowed me to edge only very rarely. Normally it was just stroking, making it hard or even no touch at all. I almost forgot what a proper edge felt like. God! I am horny!

I snapped a picture of my hard cock and was hesitant to actually send it to Miss. This was the first time I would be doing so and I felt pretty weird about it. I was always hesitant to send any picture and now this? Eh… I shivered…. and then I tapped send!

Next I searched through my bag until I found the small bottle of lube I had packed and my medium size plug. I was so used to this plug that my ass needed little preparation. I lubed up the plug and pushed it slowly but surely against my ass hole. As I pushed, I relaxed my body and soon enough it was firmly inside me. It sent a shiver through my body as my ass clenched a few times around it. So horny!

After I left the bathroom, tt didn’t take long to find Miss in the arrivals hall. I saw her, wearing a pretty blue dress with butterflies on it and an even prettier smile. She was holding up a sign that said “Mister Worm”. Good heavens, why call me that, here! Well, I guess there are people that actually have “Worm” as a last name. As I approached I couldn’t help but to take a quick glance at her feet. She was wearing white sandals and her toenails were painted pink. They looked so gorgeous. Miss’ smile grew when she realized it was me.

“Hello Butterfly,” I said, “you look great!”. She blushed as she said “Hello my worm. That’s Miss Butterfly to you, and don’t you forget it.”

“How was your flight?” she asked. We talked more about the flight, the airport, the weather and how Miss was doing as we walked towards the exit. Before leaving I saw a bathroom so I asked: “Can I just quickly go there before we leave?”


It took every ounce of my willpower not to turn around and look at his face when I said that. I wanted my worm to squirm. I continued to walk confidently to my car, even though I was pretty much dying inside: A mixture of anxiety, fear and excitement. I couldn’t help but smile, imagining the thoughts running through his head. I knew this man so well, yet, this was the first time we would spend time together in person.

When we reached the car, I opened the trunk and instructed him to put his bag in. Before he had a chance to get in the front passenger seat, I gave him a big hug.

“Welcome to Canada my pet”

“Thank you Miss”, he said with a big smile.

“Now, this is something I have been wanting to give you for awhile. I know we have never formally collared you, but since you will be truly mine for the next 7 days, I thought it was fitting. Turn around my pet”

As he turned around, I grabbed the black collar out of my bag. It was inscribed with the word “worm”. I reached up and firmly locked it around his neck. I could feel the heat coming off his face as he blushed. Once it was on, he reached for the handle and I looked at him mischievously as I told him he might want to sit in the backseat. He looked a little surprised but mumbled “Yes Miss” and opened the back door. On the seat, was a black cloth bag.

As I put on my seatbelt, I watched him from my rearview mirror. Once he was all buckled in, we made eye contact.

“All ready my worm?”

“Yes Miss”

“Good. You have until we leave this parkade to put on everything in that bag”

The panic in his eyes made my clit throb.

Nervously I opened the bag and rummaged through the contents. “Hurry up”, Miss said sternly, you only have a few minutes. Just put it on!”

“Yes Miss”, I said as I quickly put in the pink ball gag. The next thing I saw was the nose hook. I had never used one before, but I managed to put it in my nose and secure it to the back of the collar, pulling my nostrils in an uncomfortable way. I felt pretty ridiculous like this already, when I pulled out a pair of bunny ears. Of course Miss would do that!. Finally I put on the blindfold, just in time as the car left the parkade.

I felt my ass clench around my plug as I heard Miss giggling. I felt drool dripping from my chin and the pull on my nostrils was even bordering on painful. As I tried to get comfortable, I felt the car speeding up. We must be on the motorway now, I figured. I sure hope it’s not too busy on the road. I am sure people can actually see me sitting here! Drooling like a freak show! Are kids in back seats laughing now? Taking pictures of me and posting them on Facebook?

Good lord what is happening!? Are we there yet? Damn this hook is painful and my mouth is getting so dry!

I tried to mumble “how long it is still”. It was pretty unintelligible but I assume Miss kind of knew what I was thinking and she said “soon, my little worm, soon.”

I don’t know how much time passed, 10 minutes? 20? I try to put my mind to other thoughts. Non-kinky thoughts. Just thoughts about life, the universe and everything. What it means to be a worm… damn…. I’m doing it again. Like, when somebody tells you not to think of a pink elephant… what do you do? Right!

I got shaken out of my confused thoughts as I felt the car slowing down. I felt us making a few slow turns. We stopped a few times and then pulled up again. I think we are almost there. We must be by now. I surely hope so. A big bump and then the car comes to a stop.

I parked the car in the garage and looked at him in the mirror. “Time to strip my worm”. I told him he was to take off his clothes, leaving only his thong, and put them inside the black bag. The black bag could then be tossed into the trunk behind him. With the blindfold on, I am not sure if he realized that we were in the garage. I could almost feel the internal struggle he was experiencing. This was the moment. The moment where he would decide to trust me, or to completely chicken out.

We had the discussion before he left, he could use his safewords at anytime. Yellow meant he needed to slow down. Red meant he needed to stop. And the most important was Exit. If he said the word Exit, everything would stop. The trip would completely change from a kinky visit to a regular vanilla visit. He was only ever allowed to use the word one time, and it could not be undone. I was unsure if he would say it right now.

“I said NOW my pet” I said sternly, forcing him to make a decision.

To my surprise, he began to strip. I turned around in my seat and watched as he very slowly removed his pants, revealing the thong. It barely covered his growing cock. I could see precum had left a small stain already. Next, he pulled off his shirt, his very wet shirt. I watched him struggle as it got tangled in his bunny ear. I giggled and reached into the backseat to help him.

As he put his shirt and pants in the bag, I reminded him to take off his socks too. I could see him getting goosebumps and could feel him holding back his protest. My little worm gets cold easily, and the air conditioned was still on in the car.

When he was done, I got out of the car and opened his door.

“Out my pet!”

Obediently I stepped out of the car, feeling very exposed as I felt the warm August air against my naked skin, I was almost naked here! And plugged, for crying out loud! I whimpered. “Don’t worry my worm” she answered as she guided me to what I assumed was her front door as I heard a key turn in a lock.

Before she let me inside, she took off the blindfold and I was relieved to see that I was inside the attached garage. I wasn’t as exposed after all! I knew Miss would take care of me.

We stepped inside and I automatically shivered as I saw the padded metal cage sitting in the middle of the living room. It was not large. Not large at all. It looked like it could just barely fit me if I lay down with my legs raised up. What is she thinking? Is she going to put me in here? I trembled. I felt my cock rub against my panties again as I got incredibly turned on by the thought of it.

“Welcome to our cozy little home my worm” Miss Butterfly said. Just then, Asslvr stepped in from the kitchen. “Hello” he said. “Had a good flight?”. I mumbled something unintelligible as I looked at Miss. “Yes, you may remove the gag and the nose hook too” she said. I told Asslvr that my flight was okay but I hate flying as I get bored and cannot sleep. Then Miss Butterfly handed me a laminated sheet of paper.

“Read this for us, my worm” she said, as I glanced over the list that read: “Worm’s Rules”.
I started reading nervously, the fact that Asslvr was also listening made it even worse.

1. I will always refer to you as Miss Butterfly and Asslvr, shall be addressed as Sir.
2. My little worm cock belongs to Miss Butterfly. I am not allowed to touch or cum without her explicit permission.
3. I am not allowed to go to the bathroom without Miss Butterfly’s explicit permission.
4. I will remain plugged at all times, unless Miss Butterfly allows me otherwise.
5. I am nothing but a lowly worm, and will not do anything without Miss Butterfly’s instruction.
6. I will do everything I can to make Miss Butterfly happy.
When I was done reading out loud, I thanked Miss Butterfly. The rules were not a big surprise to me but it made it all feel so real!. Following them in person however…. Having to actually say “may I please pee Miss?” It made me shiver in nervous anticipation but also made me feel incredibly excited!

And yes, of course I am just a lowly worm! Of course I will do anything Miss asks of me and I will do anything to make her happy! I just hope I will not disappoint her.

I felt my bladder again. It was so full now! “May I please pee now Miss,” I said quietly. “Absolutely,” she said immediately and much to my pleasant surprise…. until I saw her handing me a large bottle.

“Nooo! Not in here, Miss?” he stammered.

“Yes, you may pee right there my worm”. I don’t think I have seen anybody turn as red as he did in that moment. He tried to turn around, but I stopped him immediately. “No, no mister worm. You will do it right where you are, or you will hold your bladder for the rest of the night.”

I watched as he slid his panties to the side, his face a darker shade of red than the panties. He struggled a bit to get his cock angled into the bottle and then he just stood there.

“You have 10 seconds to start peeing or else you will lose the chance my pet”

A little whimper escaped and I thought he was going to cry. Instead, he started to pee.

When the bottle was filled to the top, he looked at me as if wondering what he was to do. I just looked at and him and nodded. He gulped and brought the bottle to his lips. As he drank his piss, I rewarded him with a “Good worm”.

“Now that you have rehydrated, let me take your bag.” I carried his bag to the spare bedroom and put it inside. I closed the door and locked it behind me. “There! Now that those are out of the way, let me show you your living space”. I walked him over to the cage in the middle of the room.

My heart sank in my chest as I looked in fear at the cage. “You aren’t going to put me in there Miss? Surely I don’t have to sleep in there?”

“Yes you do, my worm” Miss answered sternly. “You really didn’t expect a nice bed on your very first night right? You have to earn it!”

“Yes Miss,” I stammered.

“But not for another two hours, Before I get you some dinner, put these on my pet.”

I got red again as I exchanged my panties for a tiny pink g-string that had SLUT written on the crotch area. After I put on the bowtie, Miss asked me to put my hands on my head and turn around for inspection. She further humiliated me when she asked me to bend over. I had never felt more humiliated as I stood there showing her my plugged ass with the string.

I pushed the plug in further, slapped his ass and said “That’s a good worm” before walking into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

We spent the next two hours relaxing, eating and enjoying each other’s company. Other than the fact that he was almost naked, it seemed like a normal visit. When the two hours were up, I told my tired worm that it was bedtime. I grabbed the blanket and pillow that I had set aside, and led him to his cage.

“Don’t forget your bottle my pet, you may need it”

He followed dutifully, he was such a loyal pet. It sure was going to be a fun week.

I handed him the blanket and pillow and said “Into your cage my worm. I hope you have a great night’s rest.”

He crawled into his cage and said, “Good night Miss Butterfly”

“Good night my worm”

and with that I locked the cage with a padlock.

(To be continued …)
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My heart belongs to my Husband: Mr. Devious
Being tortured frequently by my Dom SleepySloth
Served by my loyal worm Jaro
Caring for my little TheBrat

Last edited by Butterfly; 07-29-2017 at 11:10 AM.
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