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Old 07-29-2017, 10:24 AM   #4
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Posts: 121

1. Would you rather have sex with someone you like but you have to break all your hard limits with him OR have forced sex with a stranger or someone you don't like but you get to experience only your likes while using the coolest sex toys?
Probably the stranger... I'm somewhat flexible with some of my limits but I couldn't do anything that could cause me long-term harm, even for someone I really like. Also I'd like to try the coolest sex toys.

2. Would you rather have unprotected sex whenever you want OR protected sex but only once a year?
Unprotected whenever I want. I'd worry about the potential of STD's or an unwanted pregnancy but once a year isn't going to cut it for me.

3. Would you rather spend your whole life masturbating while being able to orgasm whenever you want OR having sex whenever you want without being able to orgasm until the end of your life?
I'm already kind of living the first option I'd have to stick with that, too... orgasms are too good for me a thing for me to give up.

4. Would you rather have rough protected sex until you pass out OR the best sex of your life without using protection?
Best of my life, for sure.

5. Would you rather have sex with someone that likes you but you don't like him back OR with someone that you like but doesn't like you back?
Someone I like. As long as they're consensual to having sex with me, it's not a big deal if they don't like me back.

6. Would you rather be the best sex partner for someone that you like but he is the worst in bed OR be the worst in bed while having the best sex partner?
I'd rather be the best partner. Generally I don't like doing things unless I do them well.

7. Would you rather break one of your hard limits for a week OR be a sex slave for two hours to someone you don't know and do everything they please?
If I could choose which limit I'd break, I'd probably go with that. Seems less dangerous.

8. Would you rather be penetrated by a stranger's dick while being blindfolded OR let him use any toys on you, even the ones that violate your limits?
Oh boy... the toys, I guess? I really don't like anal stuff in general, but I'd take having toys over a cock in there.

9. Would you rather sleep with a vibrator inside your pussy (for girls) or ass (for guys) OR have your pussy/ass filled with a lot of cum?
Hahaha. Well if I'm getting something in my ass either way, I'll go with the vibrator. Don't know I'd get much sleep though.

10. Would you rather have sex with someone you don't know but seems okay OR with someone you know but you don't like?
Someone who seems okay. I wouldn't really enjoy having sex with someone I know I don't like.
41/M/Straight...ish (it's very complicated)

Likes: furry, plushie, sadomasochism, chemical play (icy hot, tiger balm, hot pepper), genital torture, cam pics/video (no face), forced orgasm
Dislikes: anal, feet, ruined orgasm
Limits: scat, puke, blood/gore, piss/cum drinking, permanent, public, family, showing my face
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