Thread: Fiction: Chopper Down
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Old 06-14-2010, 08:18 AM   #13
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Target Chopper down

Brandon was revived by the loud noise all around him. It took him a moment before he realized that he was being dragged by his backpack and that his leg had also been wrapped. He struggled to get his head around to look at his captor but could see nothing. He was as helpless as a fly in a web. His injured leg hit a bump and he yelped loudly. His captive stopped and looked back at him.
"Ahh, so you have finaly decided to join the living, have you? I thought I had lost you there for a bit." He had a heavy accent that Brandon could not place. As he spoke he hoisted him up so he could walk himself. Brandon turned to look at his captor as they walked. He had a yellow and red armored suit aposed to his own black suit. He recognized the colors but could not remeber what they were.
He gad no clue were they were going and did nor care either. Hecwas happy to be alive for the moment. Finally they reached their checkpoint and they stopped. Brandon instantly knew were he was. But before he could say it a rifle butt slammed into his head, sending him bak into the well of memories. The last thing he thought before he blacked out was the uniform color of his captors. He had been captured by the SkULLEN!
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