Thread: Non-Fiction: My Slave and Me
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Old 07-23-2017, 08:07 PM   #193
Master Rayne
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Posts: 170

The hard part comes.

Well hard...
The reason why I didn't come here for almost a year was ... big.

A lot of things also happened recently and not all of them are fun.

If you read my story thoroughly, you must remember that as slave formerly named Shame was adopted by a fellow master who named her Jallicya. Well Jallicya passed away in the beginning of May.

At the end of February 2017, she was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. We all know that this decease isnt a forgiving one... She stayed home as long as she could, but then she was admitted in the hospital where she died. In her final days, she was half her normal weight... and she wasnt very big to begin with.

Kyle and his first slave Kimiko were very saddened by her passing. She was cremated and her ashes were spread over the Saint-Laurent because she loved the sea.

Our little group were all present for Jallicya's funerals and we all agreed to wait until Kyle was ready to reunite again.

All the while and though I dont mention it in my stories, I fuck my girls wearing a condom, except for Sophitia. She was the first, she deserves that. And I was once told by a doctor that I was sterile....

Fuck that guy was sooooo wrong....

It happened in mid january. Sophitia was frequently sick in the morning. At first, I thought it was because of the stress of her new job... but no. She went to the pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test... which came out positive.

Just like that, our world was turned upside down.

Part of me was excited, but another part of me wasn't. Dont get me wrong, I love children, but the thought of being a parent wasn't appealing to me. Raising a kid is a huge responsability, and giving our lifestyle, we would have to rethink our lives....

Sophitia was feeling the same. When we broke the news to Katt and Tira, my little pet started to cry. After I asked her what was wrong, she said she was scared to have to stop being a petgirl and to have to leave. Katt, as worried as Tira, asked me if I would cast them out. I said no, and I assured them that our little family wouldn't be broken.


As you all know, our family is often victim of the fate.
Three weeks after we received confirmation of her pregnancy, Sophitia started to experience abdominal pain. At first, we thought it was only cramps associated with morning sickness, but boy were we wrong!

Sophitia suffered a miscarriage and the doctor explained to us that it was due to a severely cordiform uterus, which means her uterus is too thin and too elongated to allow a fetus to develop normally.

My slave was deeply affected by this, and for a while, she pondered with the idea of getting sterilized and I told her that it was her decision, that I would give her my support.

She's going ahead with the surgery and it is scheduled for the end of September.

Following this loss, Tira and Katt have been so sweet with us.

That's why I havent been visiting lately.

See ya again
I am the Master of my own Universe.

Sophitia and Katt are my slaves.
Tira is our pet.

They only live, breath and exist for me.
everything else is emptiness.

NEVER send them messages stating you want to own them! If you do, you're in for trouble! I mean it. Seriously. They are mine. No Kidding.

Allowed: I dom my slaves and my pet in any ways I see fit.

Forbidden: Scat, piss, blood, illegal, zoophilia, public, extreme, interracial.
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