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Old 07-17-2017, 02:26 AM   #254
The toe sucking anal slut
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Originally Posted by Butterfly View Post
Yay! I love spanking the little worm.
Yes I'm sure you do you evil little butterfly!

1. Have you ever tried a tack garment (panties or bra or something)? If not, what are your thoughts on such things?
I have not but I would be willing to try, it sounds particularly evil but I am intrigued. However I do think these things would be more effective for girls, especially in the bra department.

2. Describe the perfect day.
I'll describe a vanilla perfect day. Lounging about in the sun, swimming in the ocean, having good food and drinks. Alone or in the company of just one or two very close friends. Sleeping in a hammock. Yes I am one lazy little worm.

3. If you could have one make believe animal as a pet, which would you choose?
Pegasus. It looks cool and I could ride it and fly!

4. Which house would you be put in at Hogwarts?
I have no idea, I don't know anything about Harry Potter. All I know is that Hogwarts is something out of the Harry Potter books. But to still answer your questions I Googled and found out that there are 4 houses with very weird names. After reading the descriptions I think HUFFLEPUFF would be the best match for me, however I would like to move over to GRYFFINDOR.

5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
A tropical island in the South Pacific

6. What do you think I should do to my AMA to make it more popular?
For starters I'd recommend answering the questions you do get more quickly. You still have questions pending from pup if I'm not mistaken.
Also, I think adding spanks like me may help a lot. People need concrete and immediate incentives I think. Plus, if would allow me to retaliate!!!

7. If you could have any super power, which would you choose and why?
The super human strength I also answered above in Asslvrs questions.

8. If you could pick dislike or limit that would become something that you love, which would you choose and why?
A dislike becoming a love? That sounds highly unlikely. Maybe sleeping dares because they do have the possibility to become creative.
As for limits... well... consensual non consent is listed as a limit but perhaps with the right person if could become a like.

9. How do you want to cum the next time you get to?
Tied up and gagged while using all my toys and relentlessly teased.

10. What is the longest you think you could do without cumming?
A few months maybe? It depends on how horny I get!

40 more spanks added!

Worm owned by
Princess Butterfly

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