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Old 07-16-2017, 10:02 PM   #253
The toe sucking anal slut
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Originally Posted by asslvr View Post
A little butterfly told me you needed some questions so you can have lots of spanks, so here you go.
Did she now!? I guess the term 'some' means something totally different in Canada then it does here in the Netherlands.

1) If you could choose a new user name what would it be?

2) How old are you?

3) Whats your Birthday?
It's in May. I don't want to name the specific date if that's alright.

4) What starsign does that make it?

5) Whats your favourite colour?
In general: Red. But that doesn't mean I wear a lot of red or have it in my house everywhere

6) Whats your lucky number?
I don't have a lucky number

7) Do you have any pets?

8) Where are you from?
The Netherlands

9) How tall are you?
About 180 cm.

10) What shoe size are you?
Size 45 EU / 11.5 US

11) How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Counting flip flops and rubber boots too: 9

12) If you were prime miniser/ruler of the world what laws would you make?
Total ban on all weapons production.
Total abolishment of the death penalty
Pedicure parlors would be free.

13) If you were a super hero what powers would you have?
Super human strength. That seems fun and convenient. But I wouldn't want to appear strong.

14) and what would your hero name be?

15) and what outfit would you wear?
Just my regular outfit. I don't want to appear like a super hero. Just baffle people when it turns out that I am.

16) What was your last dream about?
I don't know, I don't remember my dreams.

17) What would you do if you won the lottery?
Live a life of travel and doing volunteer work, I think.

18) Would you like to build/design your own house?
Sure, although it's not so important for me.

19) Which form of public transport do you prefer?
Subway. It's the only form that doesn't annoy me.

20) What talents do you have?
Maybe that I'm quite artistic? I'm not sure, I haven't done much with it yet.

21) Can you juggle?

22) Can you solve a rubix cube?

23) Do you have a cherished childhood teddybear?
Nope, I never had any stuffies

24) Are you psychic in any way?
No, and I don't believe in such things

25) Are you a good dancer?
Not at all

26) Are you a good singer?
Maybe... if I would train my voice

27) Are you a good cook?
No, but I think I would be if I wanted to.

28) Are you a good artist?
Potentially, yes

29) Are you a good listener?

30) Are you a good public speaker?
No, but I'm not too bad at it. I have done it not too long ago.

31) Are you a good babysitter?

32) Are you a good mechanic?

33) Are you a good diplomat?

34) Are you a good employee?

35) Are you a good dresser?
Yes, when I do dress

36) Are you a good swimmer?
Yeah, well, maybe not professionally

37) Are you a good skier?

38) Are you a good lover?
I don't know

39) Are you a good musician?
No, but I have tried in the past

40) Are you a good comedian?
Not like a public comedian, but I can make people laugh when it's not staged

41) Are you a good cleaner?
Good enough, but I'm not all fussy about it and I like to clean as fast as possible

42) Are you a good actor?
I think so

43) Are you a good writer?
A little bit

44) Have you ever been bungee jumping?
No, and I never will

45) Have you ever been canoeing/kayaking?
Yeah, quite a few times

46) What types of holidays do you prefer?
Relatively active, mixed with lazy days just lounging about (at the beach)

47) Whats the furthest you've ever been on holiday?
More then 17,000 kilometers

48) What was your favourite holiday?
In the jungle in South America

49) Where would your dream holiday be?
Private tropical island in the South Pacific, where I could be naked all day every day

50) Can you tap dance?

51) Whats your favourite zoo animal?
Tiger, although they really belong in the wild

52) Whats your favourite sport?
I am not into sports, but if I must choose I still choose football (soccer)

53) Whats your favourite food?
Swiss cheese fondue

54) Whats your favourite pizza topping?

55) Whats your favourite film?
The Shawshank Redemption

56) Whats your favourite song?
I don't have a favourite song

57) Whats your favourite alcoholic drink?
Beer (lager)

58) Whats your favourite non-alcoholic drink?

59) Whats your favourite TV program?
I never watch TV

60) Whats your favourite boyband?

61) Whats your favourite girl group?
None, I'm not big on music if you can believe it

62) What would be your ideal partner?
A women who is kind and caring, very open minded, likes to travel, good humored, intelligent, not fussy about being dirty or not able to shower for a week, but likes to dress well and look good when she can, very feminine, kinky, dominant and sadistic, black hair, blue eyes, big boobs, amazing feet.
It's all not equally important in reality, but you asked ideal so I described ideal.

63) Do you want children?
Not at all

64) Do you want a church wedding?
No, I don't want to get married at all

65) Are you religious?
No, I'm an atheist.

66) Do you like reality TV programs?
No, I don't watch TV

67) Do you like TV talent shows?
I do like to watch '<country> got talent' on YouTube sometimes. Some nice surprises can be found, although I still think that is all staged as well

68) If you were gay who would your life partner be?
Who? I don't know. Some hot guy I guess. But I don't know who is a hot guy since I'm not gay.

69) If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be?
I would change my professional eduction to something in the hard sciences.

70) How many hats do you own?

71) Are you any good at pool?
Not really

72) Whats the highest you've ever jumped into the water from?
1 meter? Not much for sure

73) Have you ever been admitted to hospital?
Only for a few hours as a kid when I had my tonsils removed

74) Have you ever had any brushes with the law?
I have been stopped for speeding in another country. And speeding tickets in general sometimes.

75) Have you ever been on TV?
Possibly, I was in the audience of Jerry Springer once

76) Have you ever met any celebrities?

77) Have you ever been to Legoland?

78) Have you ever done something heroic?

79) Have you ever played a practical joke on anyone?
I once pulled the chair away from someone but that was not nice at all

80) Have you ever been the recipiant of a practical joke?
At school, many times

81) What would be your best achievement to date?
Landing me my first job. I was very proud then.

82) Do you prefer baths or showers?

83) Do you prefer towel drying, blow drying or natural dryin your hair?

84) Have you ever built a snowman?
Yes I have

85) Have you ever been sledging?
As a kid yes

86) Have you ever flown a kite?

87) What colour socks are you wearing?
I'm not wearing any socks now. Never when I'm home.

88) If you could live anywhere, where would that be?
A tropical island

89) Have you ever been famous?

90) Would you like to be a big celebrity?
No way!

91) Would you ever go on Big Brother?
Not a chance

92) How big is your TV?
124 cm diagonal

93) What is your most essential appliance?
My coffee machine

94) What type of music do you like?
All types and no types. I am not big on music but I can appreciate almost any. Preferably something unique, not the same recycled pop song over and over again.

95) Have you ever been skinnydipping?
Yes I have

96) How many Pillows do you sleep with?
Just the one

97) What position do you often sleep in?
Straight, on my side

98) What do you wear to bed?
Preferably nothing, but often I have to wear a t-shirt because otherwise it's too cold

99) How big is your house?
About 100 square meters

100) Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
Sunrise, I'm very much a morning person

101) What do you typically have for breakfast?

102) Do you like scary movies?
Yeah, if they're good. Most of them are absolute rubbish though, more so then every other genre

103) Whats your favourite Milkshake flavour?
Just vanilla, but I'm not really a fan of milkshakes

104) Have you ever been in a newspaper?

105) How long can you balance on one foot?
Pretty long if I have to. I once balanced on one foot in high heels for 10 minutes. That was evil!!

106) Have you ever fired a gun?
Yes, for clay targets

107) Have you ever tried archery?
Yes, I liked it and hit a bulls eye too

108) Whats your favourite condement?
Condiment? Pepper.

109) Whats your favourite clean word?
Feet I don't know, I don't have a favourite word

110) Whats your favourite swear word?
Kut! Which is Dutch slang for a vagina.

111) Whats your least favourite word?
I don't know. I don't really like the word 'daddy'

112) What was the last film you saw?
Midnight Run, it's old

113) What football team do you support?

114) Whats the longest you've gone without sleep?
Not much more then 24 hours

115) Whats the tallest building you've ever been up?
The original World Trade Center

116) Do you have any scars?
Yes I do, one small one on my finger

117) Do you like marmite?

118) Did you ever win any sportsday events?

119) What did you want to be when you grew up?
I never really thought about it and I still don't really know

120) If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?
I wish I was more confident

121) Whats the longest you've ever grown your hair?
Just a little over my ears. I keep it short now.

123) Are you scared of flying?
Maybe a tiny bit but mostly only during take off

124) Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?
I'd rather trade some intelligence for better looks. That might seem odd but I think dumb people have the potential to be happier

125) Have you ever tie-dyed your own clothes?
I never dyed my clothes in any way, I buy them pre-dyed

126) How often do you buy new clothes?
As little as I can. Maybe once every few years on average. I usually buy high quality so that it lasts very long

127) Are you reliable?

128) Are you proud of yourself?

129) Have you ever had a secret admirer
Not that I know of

130) If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?
Are you happy? Although I really don't want to know anything about my future

131) Do you hold grudges?

132) If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature what new animal would you create?
A horse and an eagle, pegasus looks cool!

133) Do you decorate the outside of your house for christmas?
No I don't

134) Can you solve sudoko puzzles?
No I can't, I'm pretty bad at math

135) Have you ever played conkers?
I don't know what that is so no

136) Whats the most unusual conversation you've ever had?
I don't recall any unusual conversations in real life. I find some of the conversations I have hear pretty unusual.

137) Are you much of a gambler?
Not at all

138) Are you much of a daredevil?
Maybe a little, I am open to trying new things, not just kinky

Good lord what did you do to me, giving me 444 spanks in one post!!

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