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Old 10-23-2007, 05:40 AM   #10
Young Master
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: South East England
Posts: 22

Jim entered the ensuite, and saw Susan produce a pair of handcuffs. She looped these over the curtain rail of the shower, and commanded Jim to step into the tray and put his arms up. Jim did so, and Susan cuffed his hands together, leaving Jim's arms in the air, fully exposing his throbing penis.
"Hang around I'll be back in a minute" said Susan with a malicious grin on her face. Jim smiled weakly.
As Susan went out the room, Jim gave an experimental tug on the shower rail, it was completely firm, he couldn't break free now even if he wanted to.
Susan walked back in with another bin bag full of objects, the first thing she produced from this back of forbidden delights was what Jim had only seem on the internet, a spreader bar. A solid steel metal bar, with cuffs attached to each side, that was meant, not only to cuff you, but to keep your legs spread at shoulder height, she locked Jim into the spreader bar, leaving him complelety helpless.
Susan took the keys to both items of bondage, and with the same malicious grim, slowly and errotically, pushed them into her jeans, smiling at the effect it was having on Jims rock hard member. Jim groaned. Why did he feel like this, he hadnt been in her house for more than half an hour and he was already fit to burst, how would he be at the end of the week?
The next objects Susan pulled from the bag were much less exotic than the spreader bar, a pair of scissors, shaving foam and a razor. Jim stood up that little bit straighter, eyes darting nervously from the razor and his only hope of escape, which was nestled tightly in Susan's crotch. His penis began to hurt it was so hard.
Susan did not waste time with words, she was his Mistress she would do as she pleased. She slowly,but carefully, began to shave Jim, starting at his extremities, his arms, his legs, his armpits, slowly progressing towards his member. Jim was itching all over, but dare not fidget with blades so close to his skin.
Susan finally reached the black mass of hair surrounding his penis, and began to trim away at it,pruning it like a bush, face contorted in concentration, air whistleing out of her nose, blowing gently on the tip of Jim's cock.
When satisfied, Susan began to shave the rest off, with experienced strokes she reduced Jim's penis to its prepubesent form, complelety bald. Jim was breathing hard now, thinking he could not be arroused any more: the bondage, the irritation, the almost loving attention to his penis.... Jim was soon to be proven wrong.
"Your skin's so red, is my slave sore?" said Susan almost lyrically
"Yes Miss" breathed Jim
"Well we can't have that so early on can we my baby?"
Jim, later on would have realised what these words would entail, but at the present simply whispered
"No Miss"
Susan brought out a bottle of lotion, and, to Jims horror and delight, began to slowly rub it into his irritated skin, spending a bit more time over Jim's bald cock. Jim was afraid he would burst, spilling his cum all over his Mistress's face and hands. Yet with herculaen effort he controlled himself.
"There we are all done" said Susan, standing up.
"There is one more act of cleanliness i need to do, before we can truely begin, but first I have a present for you"
"Thank you Miss"
Susan reached into her bag and produced a thick marker, bending down to her slave's rigid cock she wrote, where once his bush was
She put the pen away and pulled out a collar from the bag, a plain, black, leather collar. and fastened it around Jim's neck. Jim revelled in his mistress being so close, her firm body pressing against his, he smelt her scent as she leaned close to fasten the collar.
"During your service, you will wear many items, ranging from none at all to full uniforms, but this will stay on till the end of the week, showing your position in my house"
As she said these words, a tiny bead of precum swelled on the tip Jim's cock, before rolling down it, and dripping into the shower tray.
17/m/uk looking for a female slave with webcam, pm if interested
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