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Old 07-13-2017, 02:20 PM   #13
getDare's Naughtiest Kitten
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Originally Posted by RiskyFlame View Post
Draw small little people on your toes and maybe some doodles on your feet's sole. Use a (colourful) marker or sharpy to draw with. When done doodling, take a close up of both your feet and create a GIF of you wiggling your toes and have the people on your feet interacting with each other.

Are you looking for a more professional GIF? Then make sure you body is visible in the background so you can draw a nice background for your foot-people. Maybe a stage or just a nice house with a tree and a sun. Let your imagination run wild.
This was way harder than I anticipated. :P Turns out drawing all over your toes without anything smudging, then managing to get them both in front of a camera, both in frame and your face not showing is... well, really hard. I ended up just using a normal image instead of a gif for that reason. Sorry, hopefully I'll get better at taking images with practice! <3

Welcome to toe town!

In the middle of toe-town, big toe central, we have the mayor of toe town. I realize he looks like a pirate, but you try drawing with marker on a toe, okay? Next to the mayor, is his trusty companion kitten, who helps make important mayorly decisions, like how much tuna the town needs (lots!).

To the right is Skater McCoolcat, and yes, that is his real name. Next to him, is a stick person with a hand to their mouth, possibly amazed at McCoolcat's skills, or just the shocking art quality. Further right is a bush, and a person with binoculars behind it, who unfortunately lost his head when the drawing space became too small.

Onto the left, we have a person, a tree, a person that looks like a tree and someone walking a smudged dog, in that order.

The most humiliating part of this task? I don't think anyone would have been able to recognize any of those, had I not explained.

Originally Posted by Masomister View Post
Picture of your head in a toilet.

your face should be hidden :P

This... honestly had me red in the face. XD The picture isn't the best quality ever, but I did what I could. Suffice to say, having your head in a toilet isn't the most pleasant thing in the world. :P

Originally Posted by qmu View Post
Nobody gave a kitten one yet, so one stretching like a cat? It may be difficult to get the right angle to not get face, so just ignore it if it's stupid or impossible =p

Sorry, Qmu, I won't be able to do this. I got as far as recording it (for a picture like this I need to record a video of myself doing it, then take the frame I want and crop it), and frankly, having my whole body in the frame, even with my face not visible passed the level of exposure I'm comfortable with. It was a good suggestion though. Surprisingly, it was quite strenuous, and I was red in the face for entirely different reason afterwards. XD I can tell why it is a yoga position, just holding it long enough to get it in a photo was exhausting.

Originally Posted by Kisune Karnon View Post
Cum on your hands and then a picture of you licking it up. So it would be simply of your tongue or lower half of face if acceptable, licking your cum out of your hand.
I'll be doing this now. Wish me luck, you mean person, you. :P

PM Dares
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Last edited by KittenLicks; 07-13-2017 at 02:35 PM. Reason: Clarification
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