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Old 10-22-2007, 06:30 AM   #4
Young Master
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: South East England
Posts: 22

Jim sit's up and takes his shoes and socks off, he then stands a progresses to the rest of his clothes, till he's standing in nothing but his boxers, which show a prominant bulge, a result of Jim's nervousnes and excitment. Jim hesitates with his hands hovering over his waist.
"I'm waiting" said Susan
With a deep breath, Jim rips his boxers off and adds them to the pile of clothes at his feet. His already errect penis is rock hard and begins to quiver, Jim has never been this excited, this helpless.
Susan bends down and shoves all his clothes into a black bin bag,which she chucks onto her bed.
"You won't be needing them for a while, now stand how I told you last week"
Jim stands up straight feet shoulder width apart with his hands clasped behind is back. Susan then begins to walk around Jim, inspecting him at ever angle.
"Your very clean, no spots, no dirt"
"Thank you Miss", Susan continues her inspection
"I'm satisfied, but we need to make some alterations, follow me"
Susan walks into her en suite, and her new slave follows

I think I'm going to add to this story in shorrt chunks like this, as otherwise I feel the story goes downhill as I lose concentration
17/m/uk looking for a female slave with webcam, pm if interested
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