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Old 07-03-2017, 03:10 PM   #1
Truth or Dare Zealot
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Default Punishments for naughty boys and girls.

Sometimes I feel a little sadistic but don't have the time to take on a sub/slave. So here is how this thread works:

I will post in it when I feel like giving out punishments. I will list how many I am willing to give out each time I post and if you want a punishment then post in the thread in the number bracket I have said I am willing to give out. If I say next five people and you are the sixth, you wont get one. Check before posting.

In your post state:

*Your dislikes.
*Your limits.
*Toys. (If you have none, state you have none.)
(In sig or linked in sig is fine.)
*What you have done wrong.

I will not assign punishments for reasons of "I lied and didn't do x" type reasons. If you didn't do that one/lied etc, you most likely wont do anything I assign and it's a waste of my time to create something for you. Anyone who lists that as a reason wont receive a punishment and will be banned from the thread.

Other rules:
*Say please and thank you when requesting your punishment. Manners cost nothing.
*Do not PM me about the thread, any questions can be asked here.
*Do not PC or whisper me in chat about the thread, any questions can be asked here.
*Report in the thread on your punishment. No report=no more punishments for you.
*Do not call me Miss/Mistress in your posts.

Other things that will get you banned from the thread:

*Not following ALL of the rules.
*Not providing ALL of the requested information in your post.
*Posting in the thread asking for a punishment when I am not currently giving them out.
*Posting to ask for a punishment without being in the number bracket I have given more than once.
*Referring to me with titles.

Keep in mind this is a punishment thread. So don't expect me to go easy on you, because I wont. I don't care about your likes for this thread. Those wont be used at all. I will always respect your limits, but punishments will be painful/brutal/difficult.

So to start with: Next 3 people to post will receive a punishment.
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Happily loved, owned and collared by AbusiveMaster.
I Love This Girl Unconditionally. Always And Forever ♡
Get a rule from me here.

NOTlooking for a dom/sub or to play a game, exchange dares, pictures etc!

Last edited by IceMaiden; 07-04-2017 at 01:57 AM.
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