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Old 07-02-2017, 09:39 AM   #7
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It feels weird to post here before filling out my profile, but this is what keep me on this site so here I start.

I really love every piece of the Challenge you have crafted, but the potential duration of the whole experience will probably discourage a lot of people. The Elder scrolls Games are not known for being short or bug free.
Me, I could currently invest maybe an hour per day into a challenge like this, otherwhise I would have taken a stab at this. After all I already dusted of my trusty GOTY box and reinstalled the game.
Maybe I finde a chance more at the End of summer.

I may run into a bit of trouble having actually never played much of the main story of Morrowind or even a pure Mage in any of the the Elder Scrolls games.
But I am sure those facts will make the whole thing more Entertaining. At least for someone.

And for those who want to try but don't have the game: Until the end of Steam Summer Sale 2017 the GOTY version is 50% off. I guarantee that offer will come around again at least once a year on any online plattform of your choice.

If ther is still interest then I will be back with a report of my adventures once they are on their way.
Maybe until then I was able to write a few words about myself, too.
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