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Old 07-01-2017, 11:10 AM   #19
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Default Chapter 7: Show openning and meet the teams

"Good evening everyone and welcome to 'No Limits!' the TV show where you win by completing extreme games while answering questions, where you lose all your inhibitions." Caroline announced.

"I'm Gemma, this is Caroline, and these are the 8 contestants who are taking on our games today."

Gemma and Caroline split up, walking over to different teams, Gemma made it to Jennifer's team first.

"Let's meet the players," Gemma said turning to the group, "Jennifer, Can you please introduce your team and tell us how you all met."

Jennifer had been nominated as team captain, all that meant was she did most of the talking. "Hi Gemma, Well as you said, I am Jennifer, you have my boyfriend James, Sasha is next, we went to school together and have known each other for 20 years. Finally you have Leah and we work together."

"Well nice to meet you all, now my turn, lets get to know more about you, I have 4 facts about you that you gave us as part of your application, most are humiliating. You have a choice, each of you has a choice, you can either fully submerge yourself in a cold ice bath fully clothed, or i can read this fact out about you. Before you decide, Jennifer, as captain, your fact gets read out regardless, and if your team all have their facts read out, you have to have a bath."

Jennifer did not mind that, she was willing to do anything to win, and was confident that at the very least, James would not let her take the ice cold bath. Gemma didn't allow them time to confer, straight into the game.

"Leah, what will it be, cold bath, or do you want me to read out what is on this card?"

"Gemma, there is no way I am getting cold and wet this early, sorry Jen, Gemma, read the card."

"Ok Leah, here is your truth. Part of the reason you agreed to be on this show, was so the producers would help you get closer to one of your biggest crushes." Gemma started, Leah knew instantly who she was talking about, and hoped that this wouldn't affect anything within there group. "Jennifer, do you know who Leah has a massive crush on?"

"No, she's never mentioned it to me, is it me?" Jennifer asked.

"Not quite Jennifer, but you are close." Gemma said with a smile on her face, "Its your boyfriend James."

As the audience laughed and James smiled, Jennifer gave him a slap on the arm, and faced straight forward, didn't even look down the line and Leah, who now, having seen her reaction, was now thinking maybe she should have gone for the ice bath.

"Now, Sasha, your turn. What do you choose?"

Sasha was not sure, she couldn't remember giving them anything like that on her application, and she really didn't want to get wet.

"Go on Gemma, read it. Sorry Jen, I love you." Sasha said

"Well Sasha, this is something we got from one of your team, and its a story about when you were on holiday, with Jennifer. Do you remember anything about when you were in Ibiza 3 years ago?"

"You BITCH! You told them?" Sasha screamed at Jennifer which brought laughs from the audience.

"Should have taken an ice bath then shouldn't you." Jennifer quickly replied, now smiling.

"If I can fill everyone in," Gemma interrupted, "The group went on a boat trip, where they played drinking games and other activities were arranged. What she didn't know is that the girls had altered her bikini, and re-sewn it together, using dissolvable string. During a game, they had to jump into the ocean, collect a rubber ring and get back, what she didn't realise was that she was naked as she got out the ocean. Take a look at the screen if you don't believe me."

"NO!" Sasha screamed, Jennifer had given them one of the photo's from the day. "I hope you get wet now" she snapped having gone bright red.

"Moving on, James, its your turn. now remember, either I embarrass you, in front of your girlfriend, meaning that i read out this fact about her and she gets very cold and wet. Or you can just embarrass her and save yourself, and get very wet."

"Gemma, I feel that is it my responsibility as Jennifer's boyfriend, to tell her that I am going to do the right thing by her, and allow her to be a captain and lead from the front, you can read my truth Gemma." James said, knowing that Jennifer would not be impressed, but that she already knew all of his secrets.

"Well James, it probably goes to say, this one did come from Jennifer, let's keep this short and briefs. Yes I said briefs, or do you prefer her bra's and panties? are you wearing her underwear today? Check out this photo." Gemma said pointing to the big screen, to a photo of James wearing a blue bra with matching panties, panties that barely contained his penis. "I guess the other truth from this is in your panties, yes audience, that is 8 inches."

James was not too bothered by this, he was proud of his body, and did not mind showing it off. He looked across the stage to see Mo, who had a massive smile on his face, obviously loving what he was seeing.

"And finally, Jennifer, let me read your card and then we'll get you into the water. This is a story she actually told us, about the same holiday from Sasha's story." Gemma continued, Jennifer smiled as she realised what it could be, neither were stories that she minded being made public, but James hadn't heard them all. "One night, she made a special friend, who took her off to the toilets to entertain her. This friend, a female led her into a cubicle, and went down to give oral, Jennifer has always been very vocal, as i am sure James will confirm. What Jennifer and her friend didn't realise is that the club had some power issues, and the music went off, the whole club heard her enjoyment. The lights were working, and the club owner turned a spotlight onto the toilets, ready for them to appear, which they did, to a massive round of applause. They both where given a bottle of champagne and spent the rest of the night together."

"Yep, that happened, best oral I have ever had." Jennifer said looking at James as she moved around their podium to head to the water tank.

The tank was more than just a bath, it was more like a dunk tank, a clear plastic circular tank full of water, with a layer of ice on the top, it was 2 metre's deep and about 2 metres in diameter. Gemma led Jennifer to the top of the podium, she was wearing tight pale blue stone-wash skinny jeans, and a white long sleeve button up blouse, with a black vest underneath. Her hair, brunette which had blonde highlights in had been tied back in a tight pony tail ad her dark Asian skin was showing through the white top, where her vest didn't cover. There was a plank hanging over the tank which she was sat on.

"Jennifer, you know what's going to happen, do you have anything you want to say to your team?" Gemma asked.

"Yes, I want to thank......."

Jennifer was dropped mid sentence, water sent splashing over the floor, she was gasping for air as she surfaced. The camera cut away and over to Caroline who was with the other team.

"Now lets meet team 2. Toni, welcome, you are team captain, so i think you know what is coming. Until then, lets meet your team." Caroline said.

"Hello Caroline, we are all friends, lets start with Laura next to me, then you have Tanya and Mo." Toni said, keeping it brief in the hope that one of her team will be nice to her.

"Well Mo, lets start with you. What would you like to do?"

"Read it, no problem"

"Well Mo, we just saw that James wear's his girlfriends underwear, but you go further don't you, you own your own women's clothes, and you cross dress when you are home alone, or when you hang out with Tanya right? We know it is, we have some pictures." Caroline said gesturing to the screen and unveiling the pictures. "At least you stay dry and warm.

"I'm fine with that." Mo said, knowing that he could have come off much worse.

"Tanya, before I read the card, can you take your heels off and show the audience how short you are?" Caroline said.

"If I have to." She said taking them off, dropping down 5 inches from where she stood.

"Tanya is only 4 foot 11 inches." the audience let out an awwww, "Isn't she cute? Anyway, lets get on with this, what do you want me to do?"

"Well Caroline, I'm not really wearing much in the way of clothing, and its quite a tight dress, so I don't want to get cold, so lets hear what you have." Tanya said confidently, knowing her embarrassment level is very high.

"Ok, if you say so. How much do your friends and family know about your special relationship with Mo here?" Caroline quizzed.

"Erm, not really." Tanya said, now wishing that she could change her mind and get wet. "Why do you ask?"

"Because I am going to show them. Don't worry, I am sure they will see more of you than this later on, perhaps. Ladies and gentlemen of the audience, Tanya, is Mo's slave. Check out these pictures."

The screen showed pictures of Mo and Tanya, Mo dressed in full female leather, holding a whip, with Tanya bent over a table, wearing only a thong, with some big red lines on her body, her legs and her bum. Second was a picture of her on all fours, same outfits but with a dog collar on, and Mo holding a dog leash, while Tanya drinks from a bowl on the floor. The thrid and final picture was her laid on her back with a ball gag in her mouth, wearing a bra to match her thong, showing off her incredibly curvy body, while Mo stands above her, pouring candle wax on her body.

"I think we have found the favourite to not say no to anything on this show, You my dear are the essence of what this show is all about. Gimmie a high 5 babe!" Caroline said to her.

Tanya agreed, gave Caroline a high 5, although she was very embarrassed, she thought that would stay between her and Mo, she knew the pictures existed because he had allowed a photographer in to sell the pictures, but faces where meant to be left out, her face was very visible. She thought she would speak to Mo later, but as she had such respect for him as her master, she didn't know if she would.

"Laura, your choice, what will it be?" Caroline said.

"I think I will take a dip in that pool, I don't know what you have, but I will keep it safe, If that's ok?"

"Yes laura, that's fine, but just so you know, I have read it. Your secret is safe with me." Caroline said. "Don't move, lets speak to your captain first. So you won't be getting wet, but I will be reading your card, no choice for you."

Toni was nervous, she would have gone into the pool, she knew her clothes would have kept her covered, and would dry quickly.

"Toni, your card was changed earlier today, when we heard some new news about you." Caroline turned to the whole audience and continued. "Here on 'No Limits' its not just the contestants that have agreed to everything, but so have all the producers and hosts, so if there is something we can use to embarrass one another, its all there to be used, that's what we agreed wasn't it Gemma?"

Gemma was stood over by the other team, chatting to Jennifer who was now wrapped in a towel trying to get warm.

"Back to you Toni, your card requires you to answer 2 questions, both require 1 word answers. If your answers match my card, you stay dry, get one wrong, and you get wet with Laura. Do you understand?" Caroline asked.

"Yes I understand Caroline." Toni replied, glancing over to a very nervous looking Gemma, Toni could see in her eyes that this was going to be related to her, and that from her face she did not want it to become public knowledge. She remembered the last thing Gemma had said to her when they spoke earlier, that it wasn't know about her bi-sexuality. She had a decision to make, she was sure she could support her LGBT friends by outing a celebrity on TV, but at the same time, she didn't want to break her trust, she did actually like her.

"Toni, question 1. Yes or no, have you ever had a sexual experience with anyone on the stage right now." Caroline asked

Toni decided she could answer this honestly, because the show did not know that she has in fact had sex with Tanya. "Yes" She said confidently.

"Ok, That's what my card says. Question 2, What is their name?"

Her heart sunk, she was hoping that she would have an option of 2 people, but she did not, she looked up and saw Gemma's face, she looked petrified, almost as though she was about to cry. Toni knew, she could either announce that she had slept with Gemma, or risk further embarrassing her friend Tanya, in announcing that they had actually had a bit of fun in the past. She knew what she had to do.

"Erm, ok, Tanya." She said.

"Well that's not what I have on my card, but if you confirm it Tanya, Toni will stay dry" Caroline asked a now even more embarrassed Tanya.

"What the hell, everyone knows everything else about me already, yes its true."

Both Toni and Gemma let out massive sighs, Gemma especially, waiting for the interval to thank Toni and now Tanya, but also speak to Caroline and wonder what the hell she was playing at.

"Well, Toni I guess you stay dry, lets get laura in that tank." Caroline said, leading laura over to the tank. "Lets get you sat us there and I think we need some fresh ice." as one of the producer emptied a massive bucket of ice into the tank.

Laura was a bigger girl, chubbier than the rest of the team, quite tall at 5 foot 6, but her massive 36EE breasts rested on her stomach. She had on a dress, long just to below her knees. Quite baggy, the red dress seemed to flatter her figure, while showing off her ample chest. Even before hitting the water, her nipples showing through her clothes, her red hair had been tied up into a bun on the top of her head. She had pale while skin which could feel the cold from the ice below, goose bumps growing on her arms and legs already.

"Are you ready Laura?" Caroline asked

"NO! But go for it." Laura said as she waited, eventually being dropped into the ice cold water, just like Jennifer gasping for air as she surfaced out the water.

Caroline and Gemma now stood together in front of the tank.

"Now we have me the teams, and have them nice and embarrassed, we have 1 more announcement for this game." Caroline said

"Yes Caroline, each team has 3 girls and 1 guy, guys, come down here to join us" Gemma said bringing the guys to the front while Laura struggled to get out of the tank. "So, we are sure you don't want the girls to be alone while they play, you both, will be in every game along with 1 of the girls."

"So join us after the break when we have Sasha versus Laura, If she can get out the tank, taking part in round 1 while the guys have a little cycling race. We'll be back soon."

To be continued...........

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