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Old 06-28-2017, 01:51 PM   #13
Truth Freak
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Did anyone ever accidentily catch you have sex? Who was it? How did both of you react?
No, this has never happened.
Did anyone ever accidentily catch you naked? Who was it? How did both of you react?
One of my sister's friends walked into my room while I was playing with myself!! I think she was very shocked lol She just walked back out again, I was rather embarrassed and did not leave my room until after she had left the house!
Do you usually wash your hands after you peed? And after you pooped? If not, why not?
Yes, always
What’s the most embarrassing item you’ve ever used to get yourself off?
A toss up between my sisters teddy bear, I still feel guilty about that... or a toy vibrating hamster lol
What is your bra size?

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