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Old 06-21-2017, 10:34 AM   #25
Baby Member
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 1

Well, I was a little unlucky here... definitely not complaining though.

1. Your room (Public is one of my limits and my bedroom was the only non-public place I had access to)
2. Hairbrush (rolled switch, didn't have one, so rerolled)
3. 80
4. No! Redo dare and 5 minutes cornertime after.

Second time:
1. Your room
2. Hairbrush
3. 60
4. No! Redo dare and 5 minutes cornertime after.

Third time:
1. Your room
2. Hand
3. 100
4. Hmm, I don't know. Let's redo the dare but quadruple the spanks. And 10 minutes cornertime. Then roll again and see.

Fourth time:
1. Your room
2. Ruler
3. 60 (x4 = 240)
4. Yes! Post a report.

So that was a total of 480 spankings... I didn't use my full strength after the first 80 because I simply couldn't have handled that, but the ruler (I used a metal one) hurt just as bad anyway. I'm currently bright red down there!
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