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Old 10-21-2007, 06:40 AM   #1
Young Master
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Location: South East England
Posts: 22
Default Jim's Schooling [FICTION]

Here is my attempt at a story, this is only the introduction, please give feedback, I have many ideas for this story, but I have only given a taster below. I'm uncertain if it is too "mature" to be on this forum, if so I'll lighten it up.

Jim's heart began to flutter as he approached the door to the house he would be spending the next week. Although only a teenager, he was mature for his age and his parents (the only family he had within 150 miles) had no qualms about leaving him alone for a week, while they went on holiday, not out of spite but as a reward of trust.Jim prefered to have it this way, he was a solitary boy, and was quite prepared to miss out on the sight of his dad drunk on whatever was the local poison.Jim's parents didn't know of the stash of pictures, stories and movies on his computer in a folder marked "Accounts", they weren't good with computers, again suiting Jim's needs to a tee. If they did see, they would have the surprise of there life to see treasure trove of humiliation, feminisation and bdsm media that their son had collected. Jim was fascinated by these dark corners of errotica, wanting to explore more, but even if he had ever plucked up the courage of asking a girl out, he would never dare tell her of his dark secrets.
He met his Mistress over the internet, on a forum, and had spoken to her on numerous occasions. Jim had found out she did lived close by and was only a couple of years older than him. She hadn't demanded service of him, despite his atempts over webcam ( she simply refused the invitations), all she had done was prove she was who she said she was, asked him to do the same, and asked him questions, at the same time instructing him in ettiquette; how to address her, what were his limits, what was he interested in, his size and many other personal questions. Early the previous evening, the day Jim waved his parents off, she asked him when he was free, with his mouth suddenly dry and his tounge cleaved to the roof of his mouth, Jim, with

shaking hands typed his answer

For the next 7 day's

The obvious question's followed, why? are you alone? how are you going to live (his parents gave him a sizeable amount of cash and stocked the house to the rafters with ready meals before they left). After these questions his Mistress ,Susan, asked him

Do you want to be trained to be my slave at my house?

Jim's heart skipped a beat, but with 2 little words he acknoledged his deepest fantasies

Yes Miss

After this Susan told him to sort things out at his house, do any chores that needed doing before coming over tomorrow at 9am sharp. He did not need to bring anything he would be catered for.
That was yesterday, this is today.
Jim, with shuffling feet and pounding heart, advanced on the his Mistress's house, when he reached the door his clammy, convulsing hand hovered over the knocker, Jim breathed heavily, expunging all the nagging doubts in his head, and swung the knocker 3 times.

Knock Knock Knock

The door was opened, not by a latex cladd dominatrix, but by a rather unassuming petite young women, with blonde hair,in a ponytail, wearing a green t-shirt and jeans. It was Susan. His Mistress. Jim smelled the scent of his Mistress, a mix of fragrenced soap and lotions, as it wafted out of her house, ensnaring him

"Don't say anything, come in we'll start soon"

She was softly spoken, no threat or malice hidden in her small figure. Jim, deafened by his pounding heart, stepped through the threshold and into his slavery.....

Please comment on the story so far, I apologise the names leave a lot to be desired and that nothing paticualry interesting has happened yet, I believe that if a story is to be good it needs a believable background first, plus I'm uncertain how far is too far when describing sexual practises on this website, please any comments welcome.
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