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Old 06-16-2017, 03:22 AM   #70
The toe sucking anal slut
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Soooo many questions from Cassandra. Can someone please tie her up and put her in a box somewhere? :eyeroll:

During your time with Butterfly as your mistress, when did you feel worst?
In the beginning when I told her I wanted to quit and I hadn't been completely honest with her about my feelings. And with that I hurt her feelings very much.
She punished me and we worked it out but I did feel terrible for upsetting her.

How could your future mistress prevent it to happen again?
Make clear to me that I really should be honest and open about my feelings at all times. And if I don't that I would be severely punished or she would just dismiss me as a sub.

How could you prevent it to happen again?
By being more open. I already have since then with Butterfly. I don't think it will happen again. Like I said before, I am very honest but sometimes its hard to share negative feelings.
Still, its far worse to hold back and only tell later when the effect of upsetting will be even worse.

How well do you get along with pets and animals?
I'm good with cats. I love cats. I don't like dogs but I can still get along with them if I have to. I like animals in general, but I don't want them in my house.

How well do you get along with children?
I am not too fond of children tbh. I think most of them are annoying. But that's mainly the parents fault, not the kids.

What's the longest distance you managed to hike?
A trek I did in South America, which was about 75 kilometers which I did with a group over 5 days.

What are the three less untouched potential topics for questions to you so far?
Do I have to answer this? I don't need to give you ideas?
You can ask about anything except the obvious personal stuff. Maybe some simpler 'this or that' questions or 'would you rather questions'?
Or questions about other kinks and preferences or preferences about general life stuff.


How many edges do you achieve every day on average?
Maybe 10 or so. Yes, that little. Because I ruin so much. I ruined my 5th edge already just now!!

How many edges could you possibly achieve within a week at maximum?
If I would really push for it maybe 100? But I really don't want to.

What was your edge record without cumming so far ever (was it the 200 or more)?
I think it was more but I really don't remember. I have definitely been denied for longer.

What's the best thing you can say about you doing edges?
That I get a lot of good questions. Although it would be nice if not 90% of them came just from you, lol!

Is it more difficult for you to be denied with or without edges?
With for sure. Being denied without is easy, just very boring.

If you could, would you add denial days for not having to do edges until you are allowed to cum again, and if yes, at which rate would you have a difficult choice how many to trade or to trade at all?
Yes definitely. I don't really understand the last part, you mean how many edges for denial? Maybe 10 edges for +1 day of denial? Would that mean I am not allowed to edge during that denial day?

26 edges added.

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Princess Butterfly

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